


☆ every villain is a hero in his own mind

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 25.05.2010 11:51

i never saw this comin'

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 24.05.2010 17:57

all she ever wanted
was a place on this earth
she shouts for a savior
for anyone to hear her
all she ever needed
was hope in a world

in a world where she feels all alone
cause nobody's home
she cries for attention
hanging on by a thread
she can't stop the screaming
going on in her head
tears on the pillow
these are things she won't miss
nothing to believe in
so it comes down to this
blood on the mirror
temptation is bliss
pills on the table
she just couldn't resist
now nobody's home

i say your name in silenceSunnuntai 23.05.2010 22:17

loneliness hurtsSunnuntai 23.05.2010 21:30

take me away
release the pain

BILL ;;;;;;_____________;;;;;;;Lauantai 22.05.2010 00:46


[Ei aihetta]Torstai 20.05.2010 00:12

'Tärkeimmistä asioista on vaikeinta puhua. Niitä häpeää, koska
sanat saavat ne näyttämään pieniltä - se, mikä näytti ajatuksissa
rajattoman suurelta, kutistuu sanoiksi puettuna pelkkään
luonnolliseen kokoonsa.
Mutta on kysymys muustakin, eikö vain?
Tärkeimmät asiat ovat lähellä sitä paikkaa, johon ihmisen salattu
sydän on haudattu, kuin maamerkkinä aarteelle, jonka viholliset
haluaisivat varastaa. Ihminen tekee paljastuksia kalliilla hinnalla
ja toiset vain katsovat oudosti eivätkä ymmärrä alkuunkaan sitä,
mitä heille on sanottu, tai sitä, miksi se tuntui niin äärimmäisen
tärkeältä, että sitä sanoessa alkoi melkein itkettää. Se on minusta
pahinta. Kun salaisuus pysyy sisälle lukittuna, ei siksi, ettei sille ole
kertojaa vaan siksi, ettei ole ymmärtävää kuuliaa.'

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 19.05.2010 23:59

i feel like a candle in a hurricane
just like a picture with a broken frame
alone and helpless
like i've lost my fight
but i'll be alright

they point the finger at _me againTiistai 18.05.2010 02:22

a constant wave of tension
on top of broken trust
the lessons that you taught me
i learned were never true
i wanna run away
and never say goodbye
i wanna know the truth
instead of wondering why
i wanna know the answers
no more lies

i could have sworn i saw you smile at meMaanantai 17.05.2010 02:29

from time to time i have regrets for all the things i didn't say that were on my list
from time to time my memory slips but you're the one thing in my life i won't forget
there'll never be a minute of the day i won't think of you
my feelings are so strong in me, i feel it through and through
there'll never be a night that's so dark that we won't shine or a dream that we've lost that we can't find
you'll always be the one for me - i think of you from time to time and in between
i was lost in darkness and sinking sand, well i was barely nothing, a broken girl
but you picked up the pieces of my heart in your hand, then you came and showed to me love's second chance
shine on me, whenever something's missing you're exactly what i need
your love has shown me the light and now i finally see, so shine on me
lord knows that i'm not perfect but i sure do try and i see the girl that i can be in your eyes
well there are times i still get lost in yesterday but you put the past behind me and you light my way