


☆ every villain is a hero in his own mind
you see my soul - i'm a nightmare out of control
i'm crashin into the dark
into the moon
into the world of our cocoon
you're the sun and i'm the moon
dont let go, don't you know
in your shadow i can shine

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 06.03.2011 13:41

i just realised what this is - me fighting against me

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.03.2011 02:32

you come on like a bloodstained hurricane
leave me alone, let me be this time
you carry on like a holy man pushing redemption
i don't want to mention, the reason i know
that i am stricken and can't let you go
when the heart is cold, there's no hope, and we know
that i am crippled by all that you've done
into the abyss will i run
you don't know what your power has done to me
i want to know if i'll heal inside
i can't go on with a holocaust about to happen
seeing you laughing another time
you'll never know why your face has haunted me
my very soul has to bleed this time

another hole in the wall of my inner defenses
leaving me breathless

i can't explain and i won't even tryLauantai 05.03.2011 01:08

once you check in, there's no checking out

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.02.2011 23:54

oletko parisuhteessa ? - yeeeeep
tai kenties ihastunut ? - sitäkin
väsynyt ? - en !
nukkunut ikinä päiväunia ? - enn kai
valvonut koko yön ? - joo ::D:Dd
hassutellut ? - liikaa
kärsitkö syömishäiriöstä ? - nooooot
paljonko nukut keskimäärin yössä ? - ööö 4-10h
nimi ? - ai häh kenen ai mun ? :D:.dd sara
lempinimet ? - ei oo ):
harrastukset ? - ei oo niitäkää ): tykkään piirtää
omistatko parasta kaveria, jos niin kenet? - omistan juuu @Jimmy-Andrew @BUGKILLER @PAAVOGRRR @Endlich @BLACKBERRYcake siinä teille pari :D:D:dd
mainitse joku hyvä ystäväsi ? - @norsti ! muwu ♥
mainitse vihamiehesi ? - ;);););););) en taida eiköhä kaikki ole tietoisia siitä jo
ethän varmasti ole poika ? - en ! vai olenko sittenkin ==)=)=))9
koska tämä testi on tarkoitettu vain tytöille ? - juuuuri niin

'cause the scars run so deepMaanantai 28.02.2011 17:55

just have a little patience
i'm still hurting from a love i lost
i'm feeling your frustration
any minute all the pain will stop
just hold me close inside your arms tonight
don't be too hard on my emotions
'cause i need time
my heart is numb, has no feeling
so while i'm still healing
just try and have a little patience
i really wanna start over again
i know you wanna be my salvation
the one that i can always depend
i'll try to be strong
believe me i'm trying to move on
it's complicated but understand me
why don't you
why don't you fuck off and die ?
why can't you just fuck off and die ?
why can't you just leave here and die !?
never stick your hand in her face again bitch
fuck you !
she doesn't need this shit
you stupid, sadistic, abusive fucking whore

how would you like to see how it feels ?
here it comes GET READY TO DIE

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 25.02.2011 00:33

huomenna kohti savonlinnaaaaaaa ♥

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 24.02.2011 01:44

and i fuckin' enjoy this

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 23.02.2011 23:25

täs mun keskiviikkoilta ... :''DD onneks tää piirtäminen
melkein luonnistuu näillä kynsillä