
LithiumSunnuntai 09.10.2011 17:38

Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside.
Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without...
Lithium, I want to stay in love with my sorrow.
Oh, but God, I want to let it go.

Come to bed, don't make me sleep alone.
Couldn't hide the emptiness, you let it show.
Never wanted it to be so cold.
Just didn't drink enough to say you love me.

I can't hold on to me,
Wonder what's wrong with me.

Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside.
Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without...
Lithium, I want to stay in love with my sorrow.

Don't want to let it lay me down this time.
Drown my will to fly.
Here in the darkness I know myself.
Can't break free until I let it go.
Let me go.

Darling, I forgive you... After all,
Anything is better than to be alone.
And in the end I guess I had to fall.
Always find my place among the ashes.

I can't hold on to me,
Wonder what's wrong with me.

Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside.
Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without...
Lithium, ...stay in love with you.

I'm gonna let it go.

:)))) <3333Sunnuntai 09.10.2011 17:14

joo heiiii meitti värjäski taas mustaks, repikää siitä!!! :::DDDDD <333

the oneTorstai 06.10.2011 20:11

And You're the One that I need
The One who makes me complete
And You're the One who is strong
When I am crying and weak
And You're the One that I love
The One who never gives up
And You're the One that I need
You're the One, You're the One

nii, miks -.-Torstai 06.10.2011 01:07

Miksei se et yritän tosissani, riitä?
Miksei kukaan mistään hyväst mua kiitä??
Miks ei oma itteni oo enää hyvä?
Ny oon pelkkää feikkii, sisält kylmä.
Miks mun pitäis leikkii jotain muuta ku mitä oon???

..Maanantai 03.10.2011 21:31

When you try to forget someone,
It's like you try to remember someone,
You never knew.

one day too late <333Maanantai 03.10.2011 20:35

Tick tock, hear the clock countdown
Wish the minute hand could be rewound
So much to do and so much I need to say
Will tomorrow be too late?

Feel the moment slip into the past
Like sand through an hourglass
In the madness, I guess, I just forget
To do all the things I said

Time passes by, never thought I'd wind up
One step behind, now I've made my mind up

Today, I'm gonna try a little harder
Gonna make every minute last longer
Gonna learn to forgive and forget
'Cause we don't have long, gonna make the most of it

Today, I'm gonna love my enemies
Reach out to somebody who needs me
Make a change, make the world a better place
'Cause tomorrow could be one day too late
One day too late, one day too late

;(Maanantai 03.10.2011 20:24

huuu.... luokka- ja yksärikuvat tuli, kummatki niin järkyttävii! mä poltan ne jossai roviol, ettei kukaa ikinä milloinkaa nää niitä :DDD älkää yrittäkö ettii facestkaa, mut (hope so) blurrataa siit veke ;DD toivottavasti.... luultavimmin.... ehkä...... tai sit ei...... NO VOI PERKELES STNAAA!!!!!! MIKS?!?!? MIKS EI ONNISTUNU NE SAAKELIN KUVAT??!?!?!?!!??

looking for angelsSunnuntai 02.10.2011 21:54

Going through this life looking for Angels
People passing by, looking for Angels.

Walk this world alone try to stay on my feet

Sometimes crawl, fall, but I stand up cause I'm afraid to sleep
And open my eyes to a new day, with all new problems and all new pain
All the faces are filled with so much anger
Losing our dignity and hope from fear of danger
After all the wars, after settling the scores, at the break of dawn we will be deaf to the answers

There's so much bigotry, misunderstanding and fear
With eyes squinted and fists clinched we reach out for what is dear
We want it we want
We want a reason to live
We're on a pilgrimage
A crusade for hope
Cause in our hearts and minds and souls we know

We need it we need
We need more than this

Going through this life looking for angels
People passing by looking for angels
Walking down the streets looking for angels
Everyone I meet looking for angels

voi perse....Sunnuntai 02.10.2011 21:38

shokki.... shokki.... shokki....
tärisen tääl offices eikä muute johdu kylmäst.... >.<

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 02.10.2011 12:53

Aina joku sanoo, että olet hänelle tärkein. Kuinka monta on kuultu: "Mä en ikinä jättäis sua"? Kuinka montaa kertaa on vietetty unettomia öitä ja itketty itsensä uneen. Kuinka monta kertaa "hyvä ystävä" onkin jättänyt sinut silloin, kun hänen apuaan eniten tarvitsisit.

Tosiystävän tunnistaa siitä, kun ystäväsi on valmis olemaan kanssasi ihan milloin vain, missä vain, vaikka hän saisi siitä itse ongelmia. Hän ei kuuntele, mitä muut ajattelevat sinusta. Hän ei jätä sinua koskaan pulaan. Hän on valmis kuuntelemaan ja lohduttamaan. Hän on se, joka ei lähde viereltäsi pois. Se, jolle voit kertoa salaisuutesi. Hän ei tuomitse sinua virheistäsi.