


Ja jos jostain joskus löytyy jumala, ei se lapsekseen, kuvakseen, minua tunnista.

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

kivaku näyttää silt ettei oo paitaa ::D:D:D:D
ja muutenki anteeks mun ilme -,-

stranger: hey

you: hey

stranger: where are you from?

you: finland

stranger:oh nice, we're touring there this year!

you: :D cool

stranger: we're from texas
stranger: (in the USA)

you: okay
yea i know

stranger: do you not recognize us?

you: i do

stranger: oh you look bored, do you not like our music?

you: i like to listen some songs but not all :D (jooh niih vissii!)

stranger:what time is it there?

you: 0:33 am

stranger: oh, not too late
stranger:how old are you?

you: 16

stranger:my brother thinks your cute
joe (he's in the middle)

you: haha yea sure

stranger: what?

you: nothing
okay nice to meet you guys

stranger:what color hair do you have?
stranger:cant tell in black and white

you: dark brown it doesn't just look like it now

stranger:will you do a little dance for us?
joe will dance for you

you: ;D it is hard right now

here, i'll make joe do souljah boy

you: 'cause i'm lying on my bed

nice work

you: i cant dance :D

stranger:ok, if you can't dance can we see some boobs?

you: why are you wasting your time here?

stranger:we're on a break from signing autographs

Ja tän jälkee näyttökuvaks tuli joku aika mielenkiintone otos
joko hyvä bluffi tai sit jätkät on ehkä hiukan tasoa alempana?!?
nyt meni uskottavuus ;D

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