


- life is too fast to live it slow

< lol -.-'''Torstai 10.02.2011 16:59

1.avaa google kuvahaku
2.kirjoita etunimesi
3.ota neljäs kuva
4.lisää se tähän
5.siltä näytät 30v päästä.

< jauKeskiviikko 09.02.2011 21:22

Enkun epäsäännöllisten verbien sanakoe
piti osaa vaa kaks ekaa muotoo,
mut kolmansist sai plussaa

jote siis 10+ :))

ja niinko ympästki tuli 10+

< no kai mä ny oon ku oon keppone ?Keskiviikko 09.02.2011 19:35

1.maistanut viinaa - jju
2.maistanut olutta - jju
3.maistanut siideriä -jju
4.maistanut lonkeroa -jju
5.maistanut viiniä - jju
6.maistanut tupakkaa- jju
7.maistanut sikaria - jju
8.kokeillut huumeita - e
9.katsonut tappelua - jju
10.ollut tappelussa -jju
11.varastanut jotain kaupasta - jju
12.ottanut kaverilta jotain - jju
13.varastanut kaverilta jotain - e
14.mennyt pummilla linja autolla - kinda
15.mennyt pummilla junalla - e
16.ollut juhlissa keikoilla yms. - e
17.lukenut kaverisi viestit - jju
18.lukenut kaverisi päiväkirjaa - jju
19.ollut poliisiautossa - jju
20.ollut poliisien kanssa tekemisissä - jju

1-5:Äidin pikku talttahammas
5-10:Koulu poika
15-19:Ongelma lapsi

<Tiistai 08.02.2011 18:28

oon sairaalassa pää auki.. kaaduin portaissa pääeellä.:d Ne sano et tehää joku leikkaus ,josta on 20% mahdollisuus selvitä..): no hei haloo luuletko ,että pystyisin kirjottaa ircis pää auki.?kopsaa ittelles ja säikytä kaveris.

< youtube :DMaanantai 07.02.2011 19:38

< kuunnelkaa ja jos tykkäätte
ni painakaa like :)

< espoo !Maanantai 07.02.2011 16:34

oke eli oon jossai vaihees
tulos niinku espoosee
et ketkä haluis nähä ? ;)

< that's why i'm wild and i don't give aMaanantai 07.02.2011 13:09

I had no daddy around when I was growing up (huh)
That's why I'm wild and I don't give a (huh)
Ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, I would give it up
Don't let my cute face fool ya
I had no daddy around when I was growing up (huh)
That's why I'm wild and I don't give a (huh)
Ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, I would give it up
Don't let my cute face fool ya

Been through so much in my life
Seen things in my life
That I never thought I'd make it through
Had a few close calls in my life
That could have ended my life
But I'm here looking at you
Never thought that I'd be here
I'm the type that don't give a damn about rules
I was forced to survive on the streets
Make my own way to eat
Gotta do what I gotta do (Best believe)

I know plenty of girls like me
That done been through hell just like me
Keep what your mama teach ya
Don't let cheat or deceit defeat ya (Girlfriend)
And all my kickass girls like me
That ain't ever afraid to speak
Next time that they try to treat ya
Like you a freak cuz you street and look good
Tell them

I had no daddy around when I was growing up (huh)
That's why I'm wild and I don't give a (huh)
Ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, I would give it up
Don't let my cute face fool ya
I had no daddy around when I was growing up (huh)
That's why I'm wild and I don't give a (huh)
Ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, I would give it up
Don't let my cute face fool ya

No I don't strip in the club
Nor trick in the club
But I got friends that do
So my girls that's getting the dough
The best way they know
Don't hate girl I got you
Even though it ain't me (I understand)
That its real in these streets (I understand)
When it comes to that rent, that whip
That check, ain't nobody gonna protect your neck like you

I know plenty of girls like me
That done been through hell just like me
Keep what your mama teach ya
Don't let cheat or deceit defeat ya (Girlfriend)
And all my kickass girls like me
That ain't ever afraid to speak
Next time that they try to treat ya
Like you a freak cuz you street and look good
Tell them

I had no daddy around when I was growing up (huh)
That's why I'm wild and I don't give a (huh)
Ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, I would give it up
Don't let my cute face fool ya
I had no daddy around when I was growing up (huh)
That's why I'm wild and I don't give a (huh)
Ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, I would give it up
Don't let my cute face fool ya

All, all my girls from a broken home
When you're feeling all alone
And you feel you can't go on (call me)
All, all my girls from a broken home
When you're feeling all alone
And you feel you can't go on (call me)

I know plenty of girls like me
That done been through hell just like me
Keep what your mama teach ya
Don't let cheat or deceit defeat ya (Girlfriend)
And all my kickass girls like me
That ain't ever afraid to speak
Next time that they try to treat ya
Like you a freak cuz you street and look good
Tell them

I had no daddy around when I was growing up (huh)
That's why I'm wild and I don't give a (huh)
Ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, I would give it up
Don't let my cute face fool ya
I had no daddy around when I was growing up (huh)
That's why I'm wild and I don't give a (huh)
Ya'll think cuz these jeans fit, I would give it up
Don't let my cute face fool ya

< olempas minä ihana ;)Maanantai 07.02.2011 00:40

Jos teet tämän, niin tulevalla viikolla tapahtuu elämäsi yllätys
Mistä heräsit aamulla - ojasta &lt;peukku&gt;
Millainen olo on ollut - semi
Millainen sää on ollut -iha jeees
Oletko käyttänyt rahaa mihinkään - ööö e
Oletko ollut tänään autossa - jj
Kenen kanssa olet puhunut tänään puhelimessa - öö pinja sussu lulle jose ainaki
Oletko käynyt tänään ulkona - j

Tällä hetkellä
Minkä niminen kappale soi - girlfriend
Onko ikävä, ketä - o kaikkii
Oletko ihastunut - j..
Missä haluaisit olla - joku lämmin pleissi ! tai sit otalammel ;)
Mitä sinulla on päälläsi - vaatteet
Oletko meikannut - e
Lakannut koskaan täysin luottamasta keneenkään -joo
Saanut viimeisen viikon sisällä rahaa vanhemmiltas - no e
Valehdellut viimeisen viikon sisällä vanhemmillesi - juu ?
Mustasukkainen -e
Suudellut täysin vierasta ihmistä - e

< lolSunnuntai 06.02.2011 23:52

oke noloo , KYLLÄ
mut mua on joskus ruvennu
aikoi sit pelottaa
ku oon kuullu ja nähny
sen mariskan - murha videon xdd