


still kicking strong

whoaaaaargh,agent orange...Keskiviikko 08.04.2009 07:27

1. Agent OrangeOperation >>Ranch Hand<<Spray down the deathDown on their farmsAssault against the populationSuppress by military armsOnly you prevent the forestLegalize the warThey are deprived of their powerEradication without lawAgent OrangeAgent OrangeAgent OrangeA fire that doesn't burnAll the marks erased long agoScars are healed upCancer creeps into their innocent soulsMemorials of flesh and bloodHave survived unlawfully punishedPoisoned till the end of their livesPhysical deformityWhat medicine will help?Still births will riseAgent OrangeAgent OrangeAgent OrangeA fire that doesn't burnGrieved weak hearts are cryingWaiting for the endIn this condition they are dyingNewborns of the damnedPreserved in test tubes for generationsVicious circle of transmissionThere's no way for reparationsMust live with chemical agent calledAgent OrangeAgent OrangeAgent OrangeA fire that doesn't burnAgent Orange... burnAgent Orange... burnAgent Orange... burn

herra pohjasto luukuttaa nyt black metalliaKeskiviikko 08.04.2009 01:08

huonosti,niinku pitääki.oldschool

mieli on hyvä ellei täydellinenTiistai 07.04.2009 22:21

viä ku sais jostai pyöräpumpun ni pääsis Petun kans suhaamaan(oon hullu joo).ei löytyny ees lähimaastosta..on mullaki ongelmat.pyh

vittu,oli pleikka eli mun "pc" paskan..Sunnuntai 05.04.2009 04:12

en päässy nettii,mut dr.sykerö sai sen linjaa.oon pätevä... 03.04.2009 03:15 03.04.2009 02:58

himas Torstai 02.04.2009 23:05

hyvã mieli!Torstai 02.04.2009 16:52

ihmisapuja,elãinapuja,ei ees flunssa haittaa ny
kun tulee uusii ihmisii varsinki...mulla nyo ain CHAOS,tarviin siivojan!! =P