


don't be a drag, just be a queen

more : D <3Tiistai 02.02.2010 23:00

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching."
...vittu se on syvällinen. ♥


"Okay, I wanna hear you all fuck youselves. You know, I go fuck myself on a daily basis. (crowd screams) Here's what it sounds like...Now, Dont really touch yourselves, just make it sound convincing. Ladies, you're gonna be spending most of the rest of your lives doing this. Here, i'll help you. This is what it sounds like...uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh lemme hear you go UH, UH, UH UH UH!"
Hobbies: geegasmmmm. ♥

"Aren't you a gorgeous fucking crowd? I wanna fuck you all!"
I wanna fuck you too, lol.

"*pretending to cry* "Mum...I don't wanna go to school!" (after Mama)
awwww )8

"Everybody, I wanna hear you fuck yourself"
aww lol 8D

"I mean, I don't really care if you are, but I'm having a great fucking time. I think actually everybody onstage is having a really good time, right Ray Toro?"
hm, ilmeisesti Ray Toro on everybody, eh ?

"You guys are so much better than those lazy motherfuckers in England last night. I was very, very unimpressed with them, they were so lazy." (talking about last night's crowd in Newcastle)
ähähähähähähähähä lol.

"Phf.. Warcraft! ... It's not the fact that they play this game all night, but the fact that they sit up 'till six in the morning and play it."
888888D KUULIKSÄ JANIKA !!! ähähä. Tosin sillo Niinan kaa pelasitte vaa neljään :'D mut Gerppa on melkein oikeessa, lol (8

"Suicide is a serious thing. And if you know anyone who is suicidal, you need to get them help. No one should be in pain. Everyone should love themselves. Like I love you all."
....♥ I LOVE YOU TOO !!!!

"We once got a filthy shirt on stage... Oh fuck, that's so disgusting. YARK! Get off my stage! There's one filthy person out there!"

"Boo hoo hoo hoo. I'm so upset! Can't you see!? boo hoo hoo" (after Mama)

"*asks people to make light* Holy shit there's people up there!"

*lights up crowd* Since you're, like, the biggest crowd we've ever played for, except for that outdoor arena, festival bullshit, I'm gonna ask you to do something SO cheesey, I'm gonna shoot myself afterwards, I want you to do a mexican wave! We'll start... Over here, And I just want you to go all crazy and shit, one two, three! Show me what you got London!"
8''D aww.

"*holds up inflatable sheep* Is it only in Scotland that you can get these?!"
vittu eiiiii sitä lammasta :'''D lol mä nii kuolin sille ku näin sen videon 88888D el oh fucking el.

"I could bitch about certain political figures, I could talk about war, weapons and global warming, but it boils down to how people treat people. That's the problem. People have evolved into something selfish, greedy and intolerant. People are unaccepting, because of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation? I've seen it in punk clubs and I've seen it in the world." (in an interview when asked "What are the most important problems facing the world today?")
jees. )8

"Let's turn the lights down...get it nice, and dark. Not that I don't think you're pretty, and not that I don't respect you!" (before Helena)
awww vittu ku mä kuolen tääl koko ajan :'D <3

"Oh man, look at that! You tied it up in a ball so that it could get to me and everything! Now thats initiative! But you know what...I could probably get arrested just for holding this..." (after a fan threw a balled-up bra on-stage)
lol :'D ja lol nyt mul tuli mielee Mattin ninjailu (8

"You're all our friends! You're all our friends. You guys wanna be our friends? WE DON'T NEED ANY MORE FRIENDS! WE'VE GOT ENOUGH!"
lol reilugee iski jälleen )8

"MAMA! This is the closest you've ever been to me, so I'm going to do something for you right now that's totally inappropriate. I'm gonna skip right to third base here. *he then puts his hand in his pants and starts moaning*" (after Mama, when his own mother was sitting in one of the first rows)

"I want everyone raise your hands. Wave them back and forth. Now say 'I suck at SkeeBall!'"
whattafrank :'D ja lol haluuks joku kertoo mulle mikä on SkeeBall 888D

"How bad you been? How bad you been? Do you need to be punished? Do you need to be spanked? Well, I got just what you need!"
...zomg 888D

"One of my favorite things in the world to do.. is to jump!"
aww, no se on Gerppa huomattu :'D <3

"Is there a boa in the house?" (he found a feather boa and wore it through the song Mama)
aww ? :'D vaikee sanoo.

"Aww shit, they say Detroit is one of the toughest cities in the world, but today, Detroit, the girls have been tougher than the boys. And I know that I'm pretty, but I ain't that fucking pretty. Boys, let me hear what you got. One more time, boys let me hear what the fuck you got! Alright, you a bunch of animals. Now It's time we start acting like animals. Boys, this song is just for you. But I want you to do one thing for me, I want you to take, your fucking shirts off, just the boys! Get your shirts off, and swing it over your fucking head! I don't care if you a size 32, or a size 48, or a size 64! Holy shit. Look at all those shirts. Look all-- pull out, pull out with that bullshit cameras. Pull out! Look at all them fucking shirts! I think we about to turn this motherfucker around. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"
O_______O ei vittu mä kuolin :''''''D ihana !! ja ehkä vähä pedo mut ei se mitään 88888D ♥

"Well done boys, well done. And since then I see you without your shirts on, I must say, you are all fine specimens of man."

"You know what guys? I can barely hear you tonight. The girls are being so much louder. Now I think the only way you guys can be louder is if you take your shirts off. I want you all to swing your fucking shirts around over your head!"
lol taas :'D tosin edellisenä päivänä 8D

"You all look so damn pretty tonight. Except that guy... he's only here to fuck. God put him on this planet for one reason... to fuck."

"I wore my skull makeup today. But did no one else get the memo? I said, DID YOU NOT GET THE FUCKING MEMO?!"

"I feel very intimate with you guys. It's like we're taking a fucking bath together."
eh 8D kimppakivaonparaskivapistekom

"Do you wanna be a bear? Do you wanna be a bear? You better be a grizzly."
lol aww :''D

"I'm so excited I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I can feel it in my stomach...Kind of in my ass." ? :''D

"Do you wanna get dirty? Well, then let's get dirty."
yeah let's get fucking dirty (8

"I'm going to bed." (after pulling a fan-made banner over himself like a blanket)
....ihan vitun aww !!! : DDD <3

"Do you like my jacket? It's neeewwww!"

"Make that mosh pit as big as the fucking hole in my pants!"

"You guys are a bunch of fucking animals tonight."
...and we are all a bunch of animals.

"How are you guys doing on my right? And you guys on my left? And my sweet little kids up front? Oh, and how are you doing UP ON THE BRIDGE, you cheap asses who couldn't afford a ticket?! I am such an asshole! I mean, just because you can't afford the tickets doesn't mean I should be an ass to you. Man, I have balls!"
hei toi taas mut lisää =D nawws. hihi reilugeeeeeeee ja lol. "man, I have balls!" wow really ?

"Do you think Sweden is a good country to live in? Oh, come on! Do you think Sweden's a good country to live in!? Yeah, yeah.. the free medical care... I'll definitely think about it."
JOOOOO muuta Ruotsiin !!! Sit asuis ylilähellä ===D tai vaikka iha Suomeenki saa tulla (8888

"We are My Chemical Romance! We're a band from New Jersey, and usually, we shoot motherfuckers like you! But get nothing but love from us. And Texas...has a lot...more...guns."
aww :'D

"The bike! I thought the bicycle was for me. Is-Is it not for me? Because if it's not for me...I DON'T WANT IT!"
8''''D vittu, parsa, kuolin !

"We want you to live. We want to save your lives. You saved ours. We never want to let a single thing hurt any of you. And you should all know...if you support are not a cult. You are a fuckin' ARMY."

"I think it was big news more so for the fact that people really couldn't figure out my sexual orientation for the last six years."
(talking about his recently called off engagement to the Australian Courier-Mail)
lol eikä me olla vieläkään varmoja siitä :''D

"He had this uncle, named Titi. And he was into like, voodoo and stuff, right?"

"Although technically, the Black Parade, are from ITALY."
wtf 8D

"I don't care what the other boys at school say, I can try out for the cheerleading team IF I WANT TO!"
vittu awwwww ! Gerard cheerleaderina :''D kuolin mielikuvalle. ♥

"The Black Parade only has two songs left. Then you'll have to deal with the likes of My Chemical Romance. Personally...I think their language is atrocious and they don't know how to dress."
888888D mä kyllä tykkään niistäkin (8

"Holy moly, mother fucker, mother of God...that's a lot of people!" (when the spotlight hit the crowd)
aww :'D

"If we could draw your attention- Ooh, hey, there's a, there's kind of a way you can hide from that, see? Ah, no shit, they've got two of 'em!"
lol miks mä en tajunnu :'D

"New Jersey, our home, thank you so much. How many of you out there are, like, long time MCR fans? (crowd cheers) That's right. That's right, New Jersey. How many of you guys are new MCR fans? It's okay to be a new MCR fan. *few people cheer, followed by laughter* Listen to how quiet it got..."
aww lol vittu mä kuolin taas.

"If you guys have been listening to this band and coming to see us for a long time, you know we've always said to you guys that if you get depressed, that you can find somebody to talk to. You can find help if you feel suicidal or anything like that. That's something we've always said. That's something we've been saying on this tour... is that, you know, sometimes the world can be a really ugly place, right? It's not always really pretty, it's ugly, people's feelings get hurt. Sometimes it's terrible, but it's also a really beautiful place, and we all share it together. If you ever feel depressed or hurt in any way, or you find yourself feeling very desperate, you find somebody that you trust, that you can talk to-- be it a teacher, a parent, a best friend, a therapist at school. There's lots of free programs, you guys can find somebody to talk to... but the main thing is no matter what, no matter what happens to you, no matter how desperate you feel, you never resort to violence."

"What's that? You wanna fuck me?....sorry, that seat's taken!"
yeah, taken by Frank (8888888 hihii.

"You could put a domino mask on anything, and it becomes a superhero. You put a domino mask on a milkman, and he becomes, like, Super Milkman."
tapahtui parsointi. ps vittu lol dominoiva dom hihii

"Okay, so now that we know violence is never the answer, lets get this fucking party started!"

"There is no war worth fighting for."
so true.

"We want you to live each day as if it was your last!"
good advice.

"We want to thank the fans from the bottom of our black little hearts." (receiving the award on Kerrang for the video of Helena)

"We wanted to create an environment where there wasn't racism or sexism or homophobia."
utopistinen ajatus, mutta I totally agree.

"That's what I mean by normal, I don't like, paint myself in like, red paint naked and run around."
ähhähää nojoo kun sen noin ajattelee nii Gerard on kyl just a normal guy :'D

"I can find real beauty in things, I was never able to do that, I thought--everything disgusted me, and I was [a] very angry little dude and I don't feel so angry anymore. I just wanna kind of give the world something special."
you ARE giving something special. ♥

"I had a dream last night about a flying van..."
OI vähä sellane olis siisti :'D

"No one likes the new kid in school. Because he smells weird and has a penchant for leather and the homoerotic." (SPIN magazine interview, indirectly referring to himself)
........awww 888D hihii Gerppa on mieltymys nahkaan ja homoerotiikkaan :''D vittu iha bdsmää tai jotai maybe ?

Gerard: "First time, I think--wait, let me think, first time I wore makeup was creepy. Do you wanna hear it?"
Frank: "Mine's creepy, too."
Ray: "I guarantee that it's you home alone..."
Gerard: "Yeah! *laughs* I found some of my mom's lipstick. And the creepy thing was, though, that I was like, 16 to 17 years old, probably about the time I got dumped the first time, but..."
Ray: "You should've known it wasn't right."
Gerard: "It wasn't right, I put on some lipstick and checked it out in a mirror and I--it definitely reminded me of Rocky Horror

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