
lolololKeskiviikko 23.02.2011 16:33

"We want in."
"In what?"
"The Justin Bieber Experience."
"But it's a one man band."
"Soooo expand."
"I don't get it, you guys were totally making fun of me for singing Bieber."
"We underestimated the power of the Biebs."
"He's clearly like a mini-God."
"Look how you made the girls melt in Glee club, now think about the power of four Biebers."
"So are we in?"
"Fine, we need to figure out what to do with Puckerman's hair."

ei herranjumala oikeesti

ja lolololol Sam vetää siel BABY BABY BABY OOOOOH ja tanssii mielenkiintosesti ja tytöt sulaa ja pojat kattoo sillee lolwut :D:D:D

aaaaaa lololol kuolen

.....vois tää jakso jo pian loppuu haluun jo päästä näkee The Rachel Berry House Party Trainwreck Extravaganzan :D:D:D:D

// "What's going on?"
"Were joining the Justin Bieber Experience."
"...You do realize that Justin Bieber sucks, right?" THANK YOU FINN, vihdoin joku järkevä !

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