


don't be a drag, just be a queen

aaaa rakastan tätä jaksoaTorstai 31.03.2011 14:50

"Eddie? What do you know of Eddie, Dr. Scott?"
"I happen to know a great deal about a lot of things. You see, Eddie happens to be myÂ… nephew."
"This play is terrible."
"FinnÂ’s line, Dr. Scott!"
"Dr Scott!"
"FinnÂ’s line: Janet!"
"IÂ’m so bored I just fell into a microsleep."
"Dr. Scott!"
"Still being Finn: Janet!"
"None of this is plausible."
"Dr. Scott!"
"FinnÂ’s line: Janet!"
"This play has incredible pacing problems."
"Mr. Schue, it is pointless to rehearse this scene without Finn."
"Well, we donÂ’t have a choice, heÂ’s late and heÂ’s not answering his phone, we gotta get this timing down, guys. And would you please stop interjecting your opinions, Sue."
"Opinions? These are my re-writes."

asd haluun Rocky Horror Picture Shown santa666

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