


don't be a drag, just be a queen

HUOMENNAAAAAAAAALauantai 14.11.2009 19:07



dommy dommy dommy.Lauantai 14.11.2009 18:36

Dommy meni ja värjäs farkkunsa.


Okei vanha mut nauran tolle vieläki. Dommy vähän failas. Mut on toi lattia nyt kyl hienompi (8

ja noista farkuista tuli ihanat. hii. Me wants.

mä niin nauran täällä.Perjantai 13.11.2009 21:59

Miks mä hajosin Dominic the Drummerille : DDD

Eih toi haastattelija on oikeesti joku niiiiin vajo ja argh :''''D vittunaurantääl. Matt on välil sillee kauhee scared face ja yrittää hymyillä ystävällisesti ja kaikkee lol. : DD

"Let's see if we can get some conversation here" -> Dom nauraa. 8D sillee "yeah right..."

"EHEHEHEHEHEHE" vitunvajonauru :'D haastattelija hajos jolleki ja Mattki nauraa sillee vähä vaivaantuneena : D

"Is that a helicopter?"
"I hope so" Dom on sillee "get me outta here!"

Eih oikeesti. Matt selittää tos ja haastattelija hajoo ja Dom hymyilee siin sillee "ei vittu......." kunnon feikkismile.

"Dominic, you're the drummer. You make as much noise as possible."
"Ermmmm..." Dom on sillee "ööokei ?"

Haastattelija nauraa jolleki, sit Matt: "It's quite of a laugh you got there. It's special." Haastattelija repee lisää, Matt kattoo sitä sillee scared face ja nauraa. Kuolin Mattin naurulle : DD

Oikeeestiii miten ne sai noin vajon haastattelijan ? :'''D nauran tääl. Matt ja Dom parat : DD Matt hivuttautuu koko aja sillee kauemmaks siit haastattelijasta : D

Vittu lol. Matt sanoo "Wolfmother", haastattelija riehaantuu "WOLFMOTHER??! WOOOOOO" ja Matt on sillee oO ja sit nauraa taas sillee moi.

"Actually, you're kinda the reason I came here"
"Oooh my god!" ja hajous. : D aww Matt.

Kaaaaaaad. En kestä tota haastattelijaa iha yyber vajaaa : DDD Matt ja Dom parka. Yrittää olla pokkana ja Matt nauraa sillee vaivaantuneesti mukana ku toi haastattelija saa total repsit. : DDD

hihiiPerjantai 13.11.2009 17:59

0:34 aww. Matt nipistelee Dommya poskista : DD hih.

Hyi ku ne laitto niit matoi koukkuihin : DD

Matt sai nopeesti fisun. Matt on yyber fisustaja.

Paitsi sillo ku se yks kala tippu lol. 888D se o joku paras.
"A pwoper fish! Look, I got a pwoper fish, Dom!"
*pudottaa kalan takas veteen*
"The noise that it made, Dom!"
Ja sit hajoo lisää ja jatkaa selittämistä pwoper fishistä : D

...ja sit ne meni ja söi sen kalan. lol.

5:05 nauran Domin silmille 888D kunnon pallot

Sit ku Matt maisto tykkäs ilmeisesti koska se suunnillee meni Domin yli siit ku kurotti ottamaan lisää : D
...tykkäs toisin kuin porkkanasta lol.

tää o ihana video. : DD

kaad, kuolinKeskiviikko 11.11.2009 22:08

Matt: If you had to select a fancy dress outfit for me, would you choose Batman, Superman or Wonderwoman?
Chris: Batman
Matt: That's dark. I'm not a dark person, I'm the sunshine of your life
Dom: Well I'd say Wonderwoman
Matt: That's how he'd want to see me. Ever since I saw him bend over to get an injection in the bum theres been a strange energy between us (laughs) there's definately suspicion!

Dom: whats the worst thing about sharing a tourbus with me?
matt: all your faffing about. his electric toothbrush and mouthwash just wind me up. for one, it reminds me how unclean I am.

chris:whats my most annoying habit?
matt: farting. I can recognise you by your farts by both smell and volume

chris: who's the biggest bitch?
Dom: matts the biggest and we're his bitches

dom: if a venomous snake bit by arse would you suck the poison out?
matt: I'd be more than happy to. I have got medical training-I did a first aid course. i can do resuscitation, mouth-to-mouth, all that kind of thing. if you cut an artery open I could stop the bleeding; tie a belt around the groin, fucking do it tight and stand on it, and go 'SHUT UP'!.....but yeah, the venom. I'm not that advanced but I'd give it a go
dom: what if it bit me on my knob?
matt: then I would let you die.

matt: am I in touch with my feminine side? actually this isn't my question, I nicked it out of Dom's glass!
dom: in touch with your feminine side? er, yes and no. actually I mean yes, but at the same (laughs)
matt: what do you mean?
dom: well yeah you are because you wear women's clothes
matt: do I?
Dom: but when I've tried to kiss you, you don't like it

mattil oli epäilemättä kivaaKeskiviikko 11.11.2009 22:03

"After the gig in St Petersburg, there are about 50 women waiting outside the dressing room. One of them comes up to me. She's obviously a psychopath. She has a gift for me - should she go and get it? I'm used to Russian fans giving me roses and teddy bears, but she comes back with a huge, incredibly intricate oil painting, which she says took her five months to complete. It features me, naked and horribly emaciated, with birds on my shoulders. I am holding a glowing heart in front of my genitals... The next day, when we leave for home, I see Dom, our drummer, walking around the airport with the painting, showing it to complete strangers."

oO oo äm äm :'''DKeskiviikko 11.11.2009 21:16

I: "What would you do if you are the only man left on earth after the End of The World?"
Matt: "I'd go looking for a woman...If I wouldn't find any, I think I'll be satisfied with Dominic."

I: "And if you know the world is going to end seven days before it happens?"
Matt: "I think I'd go mad and start to do the most strange things. I'd rape all the women I'll meet, and I will take a machinegun and shoot all the people who piss me off. I'd wreck all the cars, cut all the telephones wires and then I would go on the stage, waiting for the end. But then, I'd hope there will be really this end!"

lol vähän nauroin tolle vikalle lauseelle. Ei tuliskaan mitään maailmanloppua sit Matt olis sillee "bloody hell..." ja seuraavana päivänä kaikis lehdis jotai "matt bellamy got crazy" tai jotaii sit Matt olis sillee "fucking fucking fucking fucking little fucking fucking little fucking fucking fuckers they told me there would be the end of the world!"

pee äs huom da tomaatti ekassa vastauksessa 888)
"Being impregnated by an alien and giving birth. It'd be awful to give birth to a freak so you'd have to hide it away from everyone but still bring it up as your own."
- Matt when he was asked about what was his greatest fear by NME in 2000.

ja musewiki on kaveri.

jjooo vitufuseMaanantai 09.11.2009 22:11

miksei se voi näkyy suomes ):

iha vajoo ja puskast ja kaikkee ja vittu
