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taas tein tän naaman
me urvelot ===)))

I wanna get back
to the old days
when the phone would ring
and I knew it was you.

wanna start back,
and get yelled at
fight for nothing
like we used to.

..and I wanna be the one
to walk in the sun

miu maaaau tässä mentiin lautalla ateenasta saareen!! 6h

 the motherfuking boat :D<3
while agooo

 Eemis place.....

hehhee harva arvaa ketä esitetään ! <3

Coffee House with sara janna laura
we spent there over four hours :'D


good morning sunshine wiiuuu
khia mittailee horisonttia
lepakot leeeepakot!!!! :oooo :-O