«PreacheЯ» sanoo:
And the next morning i woke up with a cider bottle in my hand.
I am lama.
juho sanoo:
Interesting turn..
An alcoholic lama with a penis in his mouth..
oooh the clever cow!
«PreacheЯ» sanoo:
Sounds like me
Ima pie
juho sanoo:
An alcoholic lama-pie with a penis in his mouth who might be a clever cow as well.
«PreacheЯ» sanoo:
As the conversation went a bit further we came to the conclusion that indeed he is an alcoholic lama-pie, who has a penis in his mouth and might be a clever cow who also takes it in the butt and is a pie.
+ a penis hungry whore. (= A pizza delivery????) pie.
= World war (III or II again, think about it.)
don't ask.