


‎"In dreams and in love there are no impossibilites."

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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 17.07.2011 22:19

oi.voi hittolainen!:) musta tuntuu että mulle tekee hyvää lähteä mökille muutamaks päiväks.siitä tulee mukavaa.:)

onpa jotain odotettavaa...sinne merelle saareen,metsän keskelle.:) jeeeej!

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 14.07.2011 05:14

Alone and lonely...feeling confused and frustrated.

Ei hyvä ollenkaan.ahdistavaa.

huhhuhTiistai 12.07.2011 18:47

No huhhuh. olipas ahdistava kokemus taas.....hyvä ettei tullu paniikkikohtausta.

Mutta onneks selvisin oikein hyvin...ihme ja kumma. ja yksinkin vielä..melkein olen ypleä itsestäni.meinasin jo kääntyä kotiin juna-asemalla mutta ei...:)

nyt on outo olo..hyi.täytyy keksiä jotain ettei tule paniikkikohtausta.:(

eli tupakalle vaan.:)

pelottaaaaTiistai 12.07.2011 05:37

Säälittävä minä joka pelkään ukkosta niin paljon että vapisen ja tärisen ja oon paniikissa kun vähänkin salamoi ja jyrisee...eikä se ole edes lähellä.
Jos jatkuu salamointi rupean itkemään...Iiiiiiik!!!!

Täää on niii pelottavaa!!oi voi voi voi...pitää koittaa hengittää..

jeejeeTiistai 12.07.2011 01:39

Jeejee. Onneks on olemassa kavereita jotka auttaa.Pääsin autokyydillä kauppaan,ei tarvinnu vammautuneena kävellä.:) kivaa. Arvostan todella!!:)
On kyllä niin kipeä polvi että.:( yhyyy.

Tylsää on.Tylsää ja yksinäistä.Ei hyvä,miettii tämä tästä.

frustratingMaanantai 11.07.2011 20:45

Tylsää,yksinäistä ja hyvin turhautunut olo.

I'm so confused....

Kaikki tuntuu niin...sekavalta,en tiedä mistään mitään enää.
Ehkä kaikki on turhaa..

Kauppaankin pitäisi mennä,mutta en pääse tän mun polven kaa edes kunnolla on niin kipeä.Turvonnu ja sininen enkä voi ollenkaan liikuttaa sitä.:( pari kertaa sattunu niin paljon että meinasin pyörtyä.Hyvä minä,kompastun ihan vaan lattiaan.:)

no pakko kai se on lähteä käppäilemään kauppaan vaan.mut ei ihan vielä...
hmm..taidan odottaan kunnes saan sitä rahaa tilille.:) joo,pitää vaan odottaa että mamma soittaa ja sitten voin mennä..

ohhohMaanantai 11.07.2011 03:59

no oho... iskipäs mulle oudon syvällinen olo. mä oon hirmu syvällinen itsekseni täällä..

mietin tosi syvällisesti kaikenlaisia asioita..enpä ole aikoihin ole tällaisella tuulella..:)

anteeksiLauantai 09.07.2011 21:55

I'm sorry.

I really am.


..hmmh..Lauantai 09.07.2011 16:30

Are you thinking about suicide? Thinking about how, if you killed yourself, nobody would care? Think again. If you kill yourself you will change somebodies world. That’s right. They will see everything differently. Just hearing your name will burn their mind with memories. They wont be able to go near where you lived, even your town will hold memories. Listening to the radio they’ll hear that song, remember, that song you sang with them once? They’ll step past your locker every day and wonder why you are not there. Why are you not there?? Do you want to be responsible for your family members, the people who love you, crying every night? For your sisters or brothers losing part of who they are? Your suicide is going to effect most deeply those who care about you most. That’s not right. One of your friends may break down, and just like you, their world will be dark. The pain you are in is awful, but why pass it on to hundreds of people around you, when you could try your hardest to work through it? Your family will be paranoid. Suddenly everyone will be talking about them. Do you want to be known as ‘the kid who killed themselves?’ People you never knew will be crying when they hear what you’ve done. Yes, they will be effected. Everyone around you will stop and think ;; “was there something i could have done?” Suddenly the people of your world are dying with guilt. All those little hints you gave, they’ll remember them. Oh yes, and it will torture them all the time. Your friends will think of suicide. Your closest friends are likely to go into a depression like the one that claimed your life. How will they cope, without you? This will break them, for the rest of their lives. And lets not forget the people who will plan your funeral. Your closest friends and family picking out songs for you, photos of you. Crying all the night before, and all the day of your funeral. And all the night after. In fact, they will cry now more than you ever did. Could they have saved you? They’ll be angry. Oh yes. Why didn’t you tell them? They loved you. And now it’s too late. They’ll be angry with you because they know, they know you could have gotten through it. Then they’ll be angry with themselves because they may have been able to save you if only they knew. And one day, one day years from now, they’ll remember you. They will all still remember you. The girl that sat up the front of your class; she’ll remember you. The bus driver you saw every morning; he’ll remember you. That little girl you sat with on the bus once, The kid you leant money to at the shop, all your siblings friends, the people that you dont see, but that see you everyday they will all remember you. And every single one of them will wonder; why? But imagine your family. You are part of them. Without you, something is missing. If you killed yourself then part of them dies too. They are incomplete. Every family gathering will be missing something. The photos on the wall are suddenly all cold reminders of what you did. Who goes through your bedroom? Who cleans out your locker? Who calls the school to tell them one of their students has died? .. Who tells the students? Who calls the funeral directors? Who arranges a coffin for you? Who calls your best friend to tell them you’re dead?? Who finds you? Please, there are other ways out. I know sometimes the struggle is very, very hard. But it’s not worth giving up on life. Life is all we have, life is everything. Its the beautiful moments, and the sad ones. Please, don’t give up on all those around you. You can make it through. My teacher said this about her father, who committed suicide: “I understand that the pain is overwhelming, but I will never forgive him for the pain he has caused others. It was just selfish. If you kill yourself you spread the suffering among thousands of people, it doesn’t only affect those around you but everyone who has ever come in contact with you.” Please, keep fighting. You can get through this and see that there is life after what you’re facing now. It may be hard, but you’ll get there, and when you do you will appreciate it so much more. I understand that most people know that suicide effects others, but please keep this in mind if you’re ever feeling so low. Give people the chance to help you.

en tiedä kuka on kirjoittanu...mut mut..

ja noin..Perjantai 08.07.2011 18:48

Jaaaaaa nooooin...siinä se tuli. Kävin lääkärissä,ja jouduin kohtaamaan todellisuuden taas.Ja nyt on taas hyvä olla...vittu.

Oli niin paljon parempi kun ei tarvinnu miettiä mitään...Nyt mietin sitten taas monen päivän edestä.Ja nyt käydään taas kaikki mahdolliset ja mahdottomat tunteet läpi samalla kertaa kun ajatukset vaan menee sikin sokin..


just kun oli jo jotenkin ok olo..hmpf.

mut kyl tää varmaan tästä...:)