

Käyntejä: 9 917 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 23
658 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 185 (29 %)
Poikia: 473 (71 %)
Sijoitus koon mukaan: 929
34,2 vuotta
Otos: 442 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 32,9 vuotta
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Jäsenet (658)

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ZimurUusiosanoituksiaLuonut: ZimurTorstai 11.04.2013 22:08

Sabaton - In The Name Of hax0r

Hide from the admins eye,

choose to cheat when it suits you

Claim you´re just, killing noobs and assholes

cheat, When you're losing fight,

hide inside walls when you´re hunted

Like a newbie spawned from noobhole, utlilizing anger

Banned by admin or staying inside?

Stand up and show me your stats!

Camping in a wall

A very unskilled noob

Fight without experience and hide in the walls

Call it holy, call it just

Authorized by Hax0r

Leave your teammates as they die,

and call it your will

Run when its time to pay,

fear consequence of your action

Reappear, when your almost forgotten

Dream of a server in peace,

yet you cause pain and destruction

Kill your own, a response of your actions

banned by admin or a staying inside?

Stand up and show me your stats!

Clitching in a wall

A very unskilled noob

Fight without any skill and hide in the wall

Call it holy, call it just

Authorized by Hax0r

Leave your teammates as they die,

and call it your will

Captured in all your lies, fear is in your eyes

Hax0r who´s gone insane, your cheats are in vain

Trapped in a circle of banns

we´ll inform your account

Consequense of your action

Captured in all your lies, fear is in your eyes

Hax0r who´s gone insane, your cheats are in vain

Trapped in a circle of banns

we´ll inform your account

Consequense of your action

Banned by admin or staying inside?

Stand up and show me your face!

Clitching in a wall

A very unskilled noob

Fight without a skill and hide in the wall

Call it holy, call it just

Authorized by Hax0r

Leave your teammates as they die,

and call it your will

Clitching in a wall

A very unskilled noob

Fight without a skill and hide in the wall[/b]

HeadBangerQueen! <3Luonut: HeadBangerQueenKeskiviikko 30.01.2013 13:38

Ny on sit liput Maidenin olympiastadionin keikalle liput ! Lämppärein mahtavat Bullet For My Valentine ja Sabaton ja vähemmän upea Ghost :]

Iha laatu kamaa tämän mielestä.

Sawyer[Ei aihetta]Luonut: SawyerKeskiviikko 24.02.2010 13:35

Joskus mietin, että voisko olla galleriassa turhempaa ku päiväkirjan pitämine.. mut kaippa sitä ku vanhaks alkaa tulla nii mieli muuttuu, tiiä häntä.

bassottajaSabaton- TalvisotaLuonut: bassottajaKeskiviikko 11.11.2009 12:23

Rise of nations pride

Russians on a way to ruin
Kreml is more then certain to win
Sent away an army to the west

Blizzard reigned the ground were chosen
Snow was deep and hell were frozen
Stalin were too eager to invade

He thought of the might he possessed
And not of his foe
Rage of winter

Rise, nations pride
Hold whats yours
Strikeem were it hurts

Fight, hold your ground
Winter war
Reinforce the line

Split them into small divisions
Rip em of the conquest visions
Motti tactics used with great result

Snipers move unseen in snowfall
Force them to retreat and recall
Fight the russian rule and their demand

With molotov coctail in hand
No fear of their tanks
Death or glory

Rise, nations pride
Hold whats yours
Strikeem were it hurts

Fight, hold your ground
Winter war
Reinforce the line

A slice of a knife to a throat
And their blood turns to ice

Rise, nations pride
Hold whats yours
Strikeem were it hurts

Fight, hold your ground
Winter war
Reinforce the line

NastyYaffaSABATON - TALVISOTALuonut: NastyYaffaLauantai 26.09.2009 19:37

Rise of nations pride

Russians on a way to ruin
Kreml is more then certain to win
Sent away an army to the west

Blizzard reigned the ground were chosen
Snow was deep and hell were frozen
Stalin were too eager to invade

He thought of the might he possessed
And not of his foe
Rage of winter

Rise, nations pride
Hold whats yours
StrikeÂ’em were it hurts

Fight, hold your ground
Winter war
Reinforce the line

Split them into small divisions
Rip Â’em of the conquest visions
Motti tactics used with great result

Snipers move unseen in snowfall
Force them to retreat and recall
Fight the russian rule and their demand

With molotov coctail in hand
No fear of their tanks
Death or glory

Rise, nations pride
Hold whats yours
StrikeÂ’em were it hurts

Fight, hold your ground
Winter war
Reinforce the line

A slice of a knife to a throat
And their blood turns to ice

Rise, nations pride
Hold whats yours
StrikeÂ’em were it hurts

Fight, hold your ground
Winter war
Reinforce the line

Alliiii[Ei aihetta]Luonut: AlliiiiSunnuntai 30.08.2009 17:51

Through the gates of hell
As we make our way to heaven
Through the nazi lines
Primo victoria

Epidemic_[Ei aihetta]Luonut: Epidemic_Perjantai 17.07.2009 16:00

As a turn of the tide
It is our turn to rise
The force of a union at war
March over the mountains
On our way to the north
On the road that will lead us to Rome
Our way will not be easy
It will take us through hardship and pain
Hill after hill breaking their line of defense
Head at north

Mile after mile our march carries on
No army may stop our approach
Fight side by side
Many nations unite
At the shadow of Monte Cassino
We fight and die together
As we head for the valley of death
Destiny calls
We'll not surrender or fail

To arms!
Under one banner
As a unit we stand
And united we fall -
As one fighting together
Bringing the end to the slaughter
Winds are changing
Head at north!

|NaLLe|tuska 2009Luonut: |NaLLe|Torstai 02.07.2009 12:42

Nonniin nyt on sitten jo pikkuhiljaa palautunu reissusta ja voi jo jotain tännekkin kirjotella. Lähdettiin siis jussin kanssa jo torstai illalla helsinkiin päin. Reissuhan alkoi niin mahtavasti, että ensin jussi unohti lippunsa kotiin ja kirosin miten tampio voi ihminen olla, no jussin parkkipaikalla repesin nauramaan ja totesin, että mun oma lippu on myös himassa!
No matka kuitenkin jatkui ja ei ajettu ku sit kerran oma-alotteisesti väärään suuntaan ja kerran kiitos samin ohjeiden.
Vihdoin n.2½-3 tunnin päästä pääsimme leirintäalueelle ja pystytimme teltan (siinäkin oli pienet hankaluutensa, mutta sitten jussi tajus miten se tehdään) thank god!
Muutama olut nassuun ja baanalle! Ja voin kertoa, että jussi ainaki nautti kaikkien puolesta sitä alkoholia......

Perjantai molemmilla pienoinen krapula, emme juonee koko päivänä yhtään alkomaholia kumpikaan ja olimme jo kello 23.00 teltassa unten mailla. Päivän kruunasi kyllä All that remains:in mieletön keikka, sekä tietysti nimikirjoitukset, jotka haimme.

Lauantaina oli sitten taas päivä uus. Muutama olut aamupalaksi ja kohti aluetta, siellä muutama olut lisää ja ajattelin jättää sen siihen, jotta sunnutaina pystyy ajamaan kotiin. Hah, paskat. Kurkittiin sabatonin keikkaa, mikä oli uskomaton! Todella upea livebändi. Päätimme jussin kanssa siis hakea heiltäkin nimmarit ja sen jälkeen vielä yhteiskuvat, kun bändi pomppas yleisön joukkoon. Joakim tuli sen jälkeen pyytämään mun numeroa ja mentiin back stagelle nauttimaan lisää olutta poikien kanssa ja myöhemmin vielä baariin.

Sunnuntai aamuna pikkukrapulassa kuumassa teltassa kirosin sabatonin poikia hetken, mutta vain hetken. Olihan ilta niin mahtava, että siitä pienen krapulan kärsi mieluusti. Stam1nan keikkaa katsottiin reilu puolisen tuntia ja sitten oli kotiinlähdön aika.
Neljän - viiden maissa puhalsin viimein nollat ja matka kohti turkua alkoi. (onnistui huomattavasti paremmin, kuin meno helsinkiin).

Kiitos matkaseuralleni Jussille <3 parempaa reissua en olisi osannut edes toivoa.

juistiSabaton - Metal crüeLuonut: juistiPerjantai 26.06.2009 18:02

Take some venom and accept
That you won't see Nazareth
The rainbow leads you home

Warrior sent to milky way
UFO shooting gamma ray
A riot of destruction

Watch the rockbitch go down, vixen spread

When the priest killed a maiden in the metal church
Armored saints and warlords watched the slaughter
Rage of the slayer forced the pretty maids
To kiss the Queen in crimson glory

You were born a motorhead
Bike's in flames you race ahead
You do the kansas rush

Racing with the motley crew
Annihilator chasing you
With guns and burning roses

Status quo has been reached, wasps unleashed

When the priest killed a maiden in the metal church
Armored saints and warlords watched the slaughter
Rage of the slayer forced the pretty maids
To kiss the Queen in crimson glory

Take a skyride with me, then you'll see

When the priest killed a maiden in the metal church
Armored saints and warlords watched the slaughter
Rage of the slayer forced the pretty maids
To kiss the Queen in crimson glory
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