

Televisio ja elokuvat
Käyntejä: 4 716 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
222 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 144 (65 %)
Poikia: 78 (35 %)
34,7 vuotta
Otos: 147 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 34,6 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 35,0 vuotta

Jäsenet (222)


verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Keskiviikko 21.05.2008 16:41



</3 :''''''''(

verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Keskiviikko 21.05.2008 16:15

Two boys discover a dead man when they are messing around with an air-rifle. It turns out the man is a former NCIS Special Agent William Decker. Director Sheppard attends his funeral, with Tony and Ziva tagging along to protect her. Agent Decker's autopsy was ruled a heart attack, but at the funeral, Jenny discovers it was murder. The director calls Mike Franks to help her investigate, because Decker, Gibbs and her were in an assignment in Paris 9 years ago. During this they find an abandoned diner where killers trace them. In the end of the episode, Jenny is killed by the killers, after taking out three of them.
After Jenny's death, assistant director Vance searches for Franks, who made it out alive. Meanwhile Tony and Ziva are trying to find the one responsible for this. Security footage leads to a former hitman called Natasha, who Jenny should have assassinated in Paris, while Gibbs killed her lover. Gibbs succeeded but Jenny failed, leaving Natasha seeking revenge. She is killed by Franks in Jenny's house, after Gibbs set a trap for her. The house then burns down and the official reason for Jenny's demise is given as smoke inhalation, hiding the truth from the public. The episode ends with new director Vance assigning McGee to the cybercrime division, Tony to the USS Ronald Reagan and terminating Ziva's liaison status, thus sending her back to Israel. Gibbs is given files for the new members of his team.


oon iha shokis o.O

verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Keskiviikko 09.04.2008 20:04

Hey, presto, and justice prevails!

verrrmu|HELMI <33Luonut: verrrmu|Keskiviikko 09.04.2008 01:25

verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Sunnuntai 06.04.2008 02:03

So I dig out the bullet,
you match it to the weapon and,
hey, presto, justice prevails.

verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Sunnuntai 06.04.2008 01:40

Okay... before we do this, I just need to know one thing.
How'd you get that damn boat out of your basement?


verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Lauantai 05.04.2008 01:42

Sarcasm is not sexy.

verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Lauantai 05.04.2008 01:41

But Mister Mildly Neurotic Introvert
with a highly sensitive ego...
he has something.

verrrmu|Hairy HangoverLuonut: verrrmu|Lauantai 05.04.2008 01:41

Jägermaister, cherry soda, vanilla vodka,
lemon juice and a splash of Tabasco.

verrrmu|[Ei aihetta]Luonut: verrrmu|Lauantai 05.04.2008 01:40

He's like Shrödinger's cat;
alive and dead at the same time.