

Elämänkatsomus ja filosofia
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Tokio Hotel are really at full throttle. Bill and Tom already plan big with the new songs barely having arrived.

What a massive shock for all Tokio Hotel fans: Finally the super band is celebrating their comeback in Germany – and the guys want to leave their home country! Extreme! Firstly front man Bill (20), guitarist Tom (20), drummer Gustav (20) and bassist Georg (21) will rock the TV show “Wetten, dass..?” (8.15pm on ZDF) on 3rd October. However, after their big performance it could be that Bill and Tom make themselves scarce soon again. Their dream: To leave their adopted home Hamburg behind and move to California!

Singer Bill reveals during the BRAVO interview: “We want to go to Hollywood!” The guys know the place very well. After all they have recorded the new record “Humanoid” (released 2nd October) in Los Angeles! Now they also want to live there!

Bill: “We just feel comfortable in Los Angeles. That city has got so much energy that I want to absorb. I would find it super if we’d have an apartment in Hollywood.” The twins are especially taken with the parties and proximity to other celebrities. “We got to know Jay-Z for example. That was totally cool. He was just funny and relaxed even though he’s such a mega star.” The four of them could even make the acquaintance of super girl Miley Cyrus (16). Even though they are not friends with “whirlwind” Miley “but we constantly cross paths in Los Angeles”, Tom tells. That is exactly what the twins love about Los Angeles: here they do not stand out immediately which is quite different to Hamburg or even their hometown Magdeburg. There they get recognised everywhere, their every step gets followed and [they] are besieged. In Hollywood on the other hand they could move freely – because it is other celebrities that are in the limelight here. Including paparazzi alert, fan hype, groupies. Even Tom has had enough of one-night-stands and superficial flirts. The heartbreaker is longing for a real relationship for the first time in his life: “Now I think about love completely different. I would be happy really fall for someone for once!” Love, parties, celebs – three good reasons for a move. However, their German fans do not have to be flustered now. Bill clarifies: “Germany is and will be our home. For the future we’ll also attach great importance to being home as often as possible.” At least a little ray of hope for the fans…


Joo moro, menkää vaa vitun Amerikkaan ja syökää sitä roskaruokaa joka päivä, että teistäki tulee samanlaisia läskikasoja ku muistaki amerikkalaisista. Uikaa ittenne rusinoiks ja hankkiutukaa skandaalilööppeihin. Mut oikeesti, miks mennä jonneki vitun Amerikkaan kaksin, ja mitäs sitte bändihommat? Geet jää sitte Saksaan ja kaksoset Amerikkaan? Joo moro, jos se toteutuu ni tää tyttö pistää osan fanitavaroista myyntiin.

Oon yllättävän paljon taas alkanu kuuntelee TH'n vanhoi biisejä <3 Muutamiin rakastuin uudestaan.

Vitun kusipäät oikeesti.
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