Tim Minchin ja Storm nimeä kantava beatpoetry tekele. Jotain aivan mahtavaa.
Ote eräästä laulusta, joka kertoo "jumalasta ja anaaliseksistä", hänen sanojensa mukaan:
"God was there from the very beginning
He invented men and women,
Then He also invented wanking,
Then He said wanking was sinning.
So if I'm feeling randy
I'm not allowed to hand-shandy,
But having sex with my family,
That is just fucking great.
It's all there in Ezekial 8,
Just before He opens up His big pearly gate,
And says that it's a sin
To take it up the date,
Even if it's great,
Even with your mate.
So you're gonna live in Paradise,
With a ten-foot cock and few hundred virgins,
So you're gonna sacrifice your life
For a shot at the greener grass,"
Sanomattakin selvää ettei hän tee materiaaliaan turhan otsa rypyssä.