

Käyntejä: 1 787 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
38 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 8 (22 %)
Poikia: 30 (78 %)
27,7 vuotta
Otos: 27 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 24,7 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 28,3 vuotta

Jäsenet (38)

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Oasiksen noeli ilmotti quittaavansa!! argh.. ei kestä nääs veljeään Liamia joka on parivaljakosta oma suosikkini.. mut tykkään noelin duunistaki

joo en tosiaan ala nyt jeesustelee. tää on itseasias aika kiehtovaa.. ehkä oasis hajoo ehkä ei ?? mutta George Harrisonkin erosi beatlesistä aikoinaan! ja näinhän mä kyl yhen hienon keikan Oasikselta ;)

Fine By Me - That's it..

Pelottaa vaan se median ja itkupotkufanien hössötys.. antaisivat ihmisen olla

Tässä olkoon se video sitten:
alunperin biisi ystävyydestä ja veljesten duetto

thaSanttusex turkey xDLuonut: thaSanttuTorstai 07.05.2009 17:36

Journalist: Hello, Noel?
NG: Hello.
Jnlst: Shall we begin?
NG: Vamos!
Jnlst: Ok. Last time you were seen in Santiago with a sex turkey, what happened?
NG: ?? 'Scuse me?
Jnlst: My pardon. What happened with a sex turkey?
NG: I'm sorry, but did you say "a sex turkey"?
Jnlst: Yes. What happened with him?

HIM?? Jesus! Now, I'll freely admit - if pushed - that I've got up to some dubious gear in the past but this guy can't really think I've had full homosexual sex with a man-turkey? Can he?

We continue...

NG: Ok. We seem to have crossed wires here. Shall we just go back to the beginning and start again? Slowly? Yes?
Jnlst: As you wish.
NG: Ok. Fire at will.
Jnlst: Sorry?
NG: Never mind, just get on with it!
Jnlst: Ok. Can you explain what it was like in Santiago with a sex turkey and how it compares with Chris Sharrock?

Now, I'm thinking, this is either a live radio comedy stunt thing or someone put acid in my tea.. unless...

NG: When you say a sex turkey, do you mean ZAK STARKEY?
Jnlst: Of course.


NG: Aah, Zak Starkey? You mean Zak Starkey?
Jnlst: Of course. What did you think I meant?
NG: Ha! Fuck, Zak Starkey! I thought you meant that I'd had..oh, never mind. I think we have to wrap this up.
Jnlst: But you never answer my question!!
NG: They're both the same. I need to lie down. Goodbye.
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