

Käyntejä: 4 725 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
190 jäsentä
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Poikia: 152 (80 %)
35,3 vuotta
Otos: 145 jäsentä
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Poikien keski-ikä: 35,5 vuotta

Jäsenet (190)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

"Watching this world return to dust
How cold is this grave....?
We are powerless in our rightful end
As we wander and wonder and ponder and...

Far, beyond the sky
Laughter echoes still

Mortal empires crumbling away
Fleeting memories
Colorless puppets return to nothing
In our minds we're forever and ever and...

Everything returns to nothing
Everything I took for granted
Now pats me on the back
Do you resent yourself...?

I can hear remorse's lonely
Steps down the hallway
There is no excuse...

A humanity that traveled to the moon
But could never really overcome itself
We never learn...

We run, closing our eyes 'till we fall
We dance, gardens are fading to gray
We run, was my life worthwhile at all...?
Your smile, last green field on planet earth...

As if tomorrow never comes again
In a world that we wished for
As if no voice is to be heard again
Grasping tightly on a tear..."


"Traveling in time
The outer space swallowing your mind
I know you can hear me now
Wondering if I really exist

Runnin' out of lies and self-deceit
Realisation dawning
Bittersweet horizon
Fly away

There's a million ways to hush my voice
And a million knives to kill my thoughts
Maybe I'm all that you fear
I'm a stargazer
My eyes see differently

Alien transmission through my brain
Bright shadows' ghostly traces in the sky now
You're as weird as you think I am

Runnin' out of lies and self-deceit
Realisation dawning
Bittersweet horizon
Fly away

There's a million ways to hush my voice
And a million knives to kill my thoughts
Maybe I'm all that you fear
I'm a stargazer
I want to believe

Controlling lives
From a T.V. screen
Condemning lives
Playing God
Is the only salvation?

Maybe I'm a thorn in your perfection
A heretic's voice in your head
A stargazer, releaser

There's a million ways to hush my voice
And a million knives to kill my thoughts
Maybe I'm all that you fear
I'm a stargazer
My eyes see differently"

HeviGootti^_^Luonut: HeviGoottiTorstai 29.03.2012 16:37

Tänään tulee House, jeeh odotus päättyny! Mii Soo Häpiii!
<sydän> pitkästä aikaa tulee telkastakin jotain järkevää :')
Kadonneen Jäljillä ohjelman lisäks

Ja kiitos Villelle tämän linkittämisestä:

Yllätyin positiivisesti, yleensä mie oon aina "Mjaa"
jos joku linkittää random bändejä, mut tää oli niin random et ihastuin :D
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »