

Käyntejä: 2 816 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
127 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 34 (27 %)
Poikia: 93 (73 %)
31,8 vuotta
Otos: 74 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 31,2 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 31,9 vuotta

Jäsenet (127)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

Uprising^some creepy shitLuonut: Uprising^Maanantai 03.10.2011 02:05

it's so creepy but still i listen it :p

janikasd[Ei aihetta]Luonut: janikasdTiistai 31.08.2010 17:15

Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da

Like a rush on th beach
at the end of the day
when the sand is going to cold,
under your way

The season fades
and you think everthin's lost in the waves
Like a spark in your eyes,
so your love will be mine
When the sky is going to light and shine
You take my hands
And i think that time will give me one more chance

Do you remember
A kiss under the moonlight
When it was summer,it was love at first sight
can you remember,cause i feel the same now
until the winter,will see blooming, this love

Do you remember
A kiss under the moonlight
When it was summer,it was love at first sight
can you remember,cause i feel the same now
until the winter,will see blooming, this love

Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da DI, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da


Lik a dive in the waves
I'm caught in your love
and i'm flying in the clouds above
I feel you near, and i fear
no more winter cause your here

Do you remember
A kiss under the moonlight
When it was summer,it was love at first sight
can you remember,cause i feel the same now
until the winter,will see blooming, this love

Do you remember
A kiss under the moonlight
When it was summer,it was love at first sight
can you remember,cause i feel the same now
until the winter,will see blooming, this love

Do you remember
A kiss under the moonlight
When it was summer,it was love at first sight
can you remember,cause i feel the same now
until the winter,will see blooming, this love

~~~~~Last Music~~~~~~~~

jölli<3Luonut: jölliLauantai 08.05.2010 21:09

The season fades
and you think everthin's lost in the waves
Like a spark in your eyes,
so your love will be mine
When the sky is going to light and shine
You take my hands
And i think that time will give me one more chance
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Di Da Di, Da Da Da Da

rinzbitchtuituiLuonut: rinzbitchTiistai 19.01.2010 23:09


cvbfghtyu[Ei aihetta]Luonut: cvbfghtyuSunnuntai 26.10.2008 02:25

ThereÂ’s a place in my mind
No one knows where it hides
And my fantasy is flying
ItÂ’s a castle in the sky

ItÂ’s a world of our past
Where the legend still lasts
And the king wears the crown
But the magic spell is law

Take your sword and your shield
ThereÂ’s a battle on the field
YouÂ’re a knight and youÂ’re right
So with dragons now youÂ’ll fight

And my fancy is flying
ItÂ’s a castle in the sky
Or thereÂ’s nothing out there
These are castles in the air

Fairytales live in me
Fables coming from my memory
Fantasy is not a crime
Find your castle in the sky

YouÂ’ve got the key
Of the kingdom of the clouds
Open the door
Leaving back your doubts

YouÂ’ve got the power
To live another childhood
So ride the wind
That leads you to the moon 'cause..."
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »