

Elämänkatsomus ja filosofia
Käyntejä: 20 107 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 5
226 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 141 (63 %)
Poikia: 85 (37 %)
30,7 vuotta
Otos: 104 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 29,9 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 31,9 vuotta

Jäsenet (226)


dinoatemybrain135Luonut: dinoatemybrainLauantai 03.04.2010 00:31

This is my icon.
It's totally emo.
See? There's litle hearts and stars and stuff.
My icon is more emo than yours.
You want me to prove it? Fine.

First of all, it has emo glasses.
Second, it likes whiny boy bands. *cough* MCR
Third, it's depressed.
Oh, and it cuts itself. It's so hardcore emo.
"Goodbye cruel world!"


Well, would you look at that.
My icon just commited suicide!
Told you it was hardcore.

essin ihanan avan teksti ♥ :3

supastaahRIP MY SOUL APARTLuonut: supastaahLauantai 27.03.2010 16:11

^Lumppu^lolLuonut: ^Lumppu^Tiistai 23.03.2010 00:00

siis ei saatana..repesin :DD

cs_prippe[Ei aihetta]Luonut: cs_prippeTorstai 18.02.2010 19:42

envysd139.Luonut: envysdKeskiviikko 17.02.2010 21:27

envysd137.Luonut: envysdKeskiviikko 17.02.2010 18:47

Finnish Underground Radio U.S.A:sta kyseli tälläsiä:

PS. hhohoo, mun jalat on ihanan lihaisat :''D


oli nii vitu emoo hengaa vähä enne yht kampis yksi pallol<3


NitzzOh. Emo.Luonut: NitzzMaanantai 28.12.2009 22:54

Sannan kans lauleskellaan näit "Nomy"n biisei, ja tultiin siihen tulokseen et se on Emo. :D Niin EMO! ISO EMO!

"But it hurts to sing this song
and in my heart I know I'm doing wrong" - Cola Light

"What you have done
I don't mind
To bring you home
Mad of silence
Mad of pain
And all alone in pouring rain" - God Said No

"So welcome to my freakshow
This is who I am
Part of me is empty
But I am still a man" - Freakshow

"Something is wrong with this pain
Cause I got it back again
Never knew from the start
That I always had a heart" - I Hate

"I can't handle the pain
this life is so hollow
and I can't make the rain
to drown my own sorrow
and I can't stand this life
when you are my poison
I'm cut by a knife
of your devotion" - We fall

"I'm standing all alone
I've got nothing to live for
All I had is gone
There's nothing to live for" - She reminds me of you

Ja paaaaaljon muuta! :D <3 ah. Nomy on tosin ihQ<3