

Käyntejä: 1 707 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
22 jäsentä
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22,1 vuotta
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Jäsenet (22)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

I wanna sing, I wanna shout,
I wanna scream till the words dry out.
So put it in all of the papers, IÂ’m not afraid,
They can read all about it, read all about it, ohhhh.

Nothing to hide
Stifle and smother
Suffered and cried
Strife made me tougher
Never mumbled or shy to trouble
I rise above all
Expectations to get rep
AinÂ’t never begged yet
When I wanted to get pence, hustle,
To be, IÂ’m exactly what my neck says.
That sket said I tried to cash in on my DadÂ’s death,
I wanted to vent but I never said FUCK all.
After all you were never kin to me,
Family is something that you never been to me,
In fact making it harder for me to see my father was the only thing that you ever did for me.

I wanna sing, I wanna shout,
I wanna scream till the words dry out.
So put it in all of the papers, IÂ’m not afraid,
They can read all about it, read all about it, ohhhh.

Dear Dad;
As a kid I looked up to you,
Only thing was I never saw enough of you.
Last thing I said to you was I hated you,
I loved you but now it's too late to say to you.
Just didnt know what to do and how to deal with it,
Even now deep down Im still livid.
To think, I used to blame me,
I wonder what I did to you to make you hate me.
I wasn't even bad, lifes a journey and mine wasnt an easy ride,
You never even got to see me rap,
I just wish you woulda reached out,
I wish you woulda been round when I been down.
I wish that you could see me now,
Wherever you are I really hope you find peace.
But know that if I ever have kids,
Unlike you i'll never let them be without me.

I wanna sing, I wanna shout,
I wanna scream till the words dry out.
So put it in all of the papers, IÂ’m not afraid,
They can read all about it, read all about it, ohhhh.

I write songs, I can't listen to
Everything I have, I give to you
In every one of these lines I sing to you.

My jobÂ’s more like public service
My life just became yours to read and interpret.
If you heard it itÂ’d come across a lot different at times
I throw fits when I read how they word things.
You see me smile
Now youÂ’re gonna have to see me hurtinÂ’
Coz pretending everything is alright when it ainÂ’t really, isnÂ’t working.

I wanna sing, I wanna shout,
I wanna scream till the words dry out.
So put it in all of the papers, IÂ’m not afraid,
They can read all about it, read all about it.

I ainÂ’t censoring myself for nobody
IÂ’m the only thing I can be,
All that is good, all that is bad, all that is, me.

I wanna sing, I wanna shout,
I wanna scream till the words dry out.
So put it in all of the papers, IÂ’m not afraid,
They can read all about it, read all about it.ohh.

BERTSelokuu.. Vois vaikka itkeäLuonut: BERTSSunnuntai 01.08.2010 18:40

aaaa jää soimaan päähän!

tultiin eilen sit helsingist, juna myöhäs - viimenen bussi saarijärvelle oli lähteny kun oltiin jkl - niksun veljen auto lainaan.
niin ja jäätiin kattoo suomen suurin ilotulistus, olihan se kyllä ihan jees. Ehkä vähän pitkäveteinen, mut no, ei me kyllä ihan niiden vieres oltukaan. :D Ja sit kotiin masent.. eikun. Nomut siis joskus syyskuus mahd. taas takasin, oli tosi kivaa :) (ja rahaa palo.. mun pitää hankkia töitä.. :_D)

nyt ois kyllä pileet ihan kiva idea (Y)


Aivan, ja Mikan keikka (kyllä, Mikan) oli kyllä paras keikka ikinä! Ainoa ongelma on että hypin ja riehuin niin että pohkeet on kohtuu kipeet, ei pysty edes kävelemään ilman että muistuttaa 70 vuotiasta raajarikkoa. no siis.. :Dd- tää tosin johtuu myös liiallisest korkkareiden käytöstä ja kaikista niistä kilometreistä mitä jouduin juoksee helsingin keskustassa Niksun perässä 4 päivää.. XD

Mut siis, palatakseni, (lähes) kaikki parhaat biisit soi, sen lisäks sweet dreams, what the..?? Oli kyllä uskomattoman hyvä meininki!

''Olen Mikha. Olen khuolut''
''..I am dead.'
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »