

Terveys ja elämäntavat
Käyntejä: 649 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
2 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 2
20,7 vuotta
Otos: 2 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 20,7 vuotta

Jäsenet (2)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

elleäEmppu imppaa tyynyäLuonut: elleäSunnuntai 21.06.2009 17:40

EILEN OLI KIIIIVEEE. <viittaus> olimme Janinalllllla

ILLAN HHETKI OLI TAPSA + karkuun juokseminen &lt;vink&gt; .

ja vähä aikaa sitte urheilukentällä ja Sagge tykkää Janskusta... &lt;toru&gt;

It was so easy that night
Should've been strong
Yeah I lied
Nobody gets me like you

"Could I keep hold of you then
How could I know what you meant
It was not meant to compare to"

I know everything changes
All the cities and faces
But I know how I feel
About you

Can we bring yesterday
Back around
Cause I know how I feel
About you now
I was dumb I was wrong
I let you down
But I know how I feel
about you now

all that it takes
one more chance
don't let our last kiss
be our last
give me tonight and I'll show you

I know everything changes
I don't care where it takes us
'Cause I know how I feel
About you now

Can we bring yesterday
Back around
'Cause I know how I feel
About you now
I was dumb I was wrong
I let you down
But I know how I feel
about you now

not a day passed me by
not a day passed me by
when I don't think about you
and there's no moving on
cause I know you're the one
and I can't be without you
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »