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MYYRRÄ135Luonut: MYYRRÄLauantai 26.02.2011 02:11

My Chemical Romance Challenge
01 - Favourite song
House of Wolves
02 - Favourite album
The Black Parade
03 - Favourite live album/DVD
04 - Favourite photo of My Chemical Romance
05 - Favourite photo of Gerard
06 - Favourite photo of Frank
07 - Favourite photo of Mikey
08 - Favourite photo of Ray
09 - Favourite live/gig photo
10 - Favourite cover
11 - Favourite quote
12 - Favourite interview video
13 - Favourite live/gig video
14 - Favourite quote
15 – Favourite gig
16 – Favourite twitpic
17 – Favourite My Chemical Romance Lolz
18 – Favourite My Chemical Romance Tumblr
19 – Favourite My Chemical Romance Magazine Cover
20 - Favourite My Chemical Romance album cover/artwork
21 - Favourite “Making Of…” video
22 – Favourite Music Video
23 - Favourite My Chemical Romance slash pairing photo (i.e; Frerard, Frikey)
24 – Favourite lyric
25 – Favourite poster
26 - Favourite My Chemical Romance merch (i.e; shirt, mug, etc)
27 – Favourite B-side
28 – Random My Chemical Romance song!
29 - A random My Chemical Romance video of your choice
30 – Random My Chemical Romance pic of your choice

yawdreg[Ei aihetta]Luonut: yawdregSunnuntai 07.06.2009 23:17

Oli taas tänää kivaa, toistelin itekseni "Gerard... Gerard... Gerard..." :''D ku se on niin ihana nimi ^^ hihi, on se. :''D

Ja luin eilen illal Making The Black Paradea, again. ^^ en ehtiny kyl puoleen väliinkään ku väsytti. 8<

"We had just played a great show at Emo's." naur, on niin hieno nimi tolla paikalla.

"He turned to see five guys staring at him like we had caught him stealing cookies or something." COOKIESSSS !!! aww. =D

"We walked around like zombies." MCR-zombies. <3

"I would yell "I'm just gonna walk into that fucking swimming pool one day!" "
Ja tonki pitäis olla jotenki sellasta dramaattista ja vähän jotenki surumielistä, sellasta oi voi Gerrua -tyyliin, mut miks mä nauran?

"We looked like ghosts and haunted the house." aww =D

Sit yhes vaihees se selitti jostain mystery playsta, sitte:
"I found this very interesting and brought the idea to the guys, attempting to make the first (?) rock version of a mystery play." nauran jostain syystä tolle kysymysmerkille tuolla välissä. :'D olen fiksu moi.

"You'll notice that in the artwork, "The Devil" is represented by two twin wolves... this is always how I imagined The Devil but I'm not sure why." ahaa... =D jotenki sulosta. Tai jotain. :''D

Ja Gerard sano monta kertaa epic. :''D nauran, se on niin jännä sana.
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