

Televisio ja elokuvat
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80 jäsentä
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FuZillADay 24Luonut: FuZillAPerjantai 30.09.2011 19:38

1. päivä - suosikkikappaleeni
2. päivä - kappale, jonka omistaisin rakkaalleni
3. päivä - kappale, joka tekee iloiseksi
4. päivä - kappale, joka tekee surulliseksi
5. päivä - kappale, joka muistuttaa jostain ihmisestä
6. päivä - kappale, joka muistuttaa jostain paikasta
7. päivä - kappale, joka muistuttaa jostain tapahtumasta
8. päivä - kappale, jonka sanat muistan ulkoa
9. päivä - kappale, jota voi tanssia
10. päivä - kappale, joka saa nukahtamaan
11. päivä - kappale, suosikki bändiltäni
12. päivä - kappale, jonka olen kuullut livenä
13. päivä - kappale, jota kukaan ei uskoisi minun rakastavan
14. päivä - kappale, joka kuvaa minua
15. päivä - kappale, jota rakastin mutten voi sietää enää
16. päivä - kappale, josta opin pitämään perheenjäsenen kautta
17. päivä - kappale, josta opin pitämään ystävän kautta
18. päivä - kappale, suosikkilevyntäni
19. päivä - kappale, jota kuuntelen vihaisena
20. päivä - kappale, jota kuuntelen iloisena
21. päivä - kappale, jota kuuntelen surullisena
22. päivä - kappale, jonka haluan soivan häissäni
23. päivä - kappale, jonka haluan soivan hautajaisissani
24. päivä - kappale, joka naurattaa minua

Hannah Montana Pardoy - Homer Is Perfect

25. päivä - kappale, jonka haluaisin osata soittaa
26. päivä - kappale, joka saa oloni syylliseksi
27. päivä - kappale, joka kuvaa ystäviäni
28. päivä - Kappale, joka kuvaa elämääni juuri nyt

huorapoikaeeeeeeiLuonut: huorapoikaPerjantai 03.12.2010 00:25

tuolt vaa kuulu Billy Ray Cyrus, joku kattoo Hannah Montanaa XD

ainokkiPictures Of YouLuonut: ainokkiLauantai 03.07.2010 01:27

I do not own anything but the storyline

"Say you love me more than you did befor

And I'm sorry that it's this way

But I'm coming home I'll be coming home

And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay

I'll always stay"

Nick's heart started melting as he listened to the lyrics of Miley's new song called 'Stay'. It was amazing how beautifully that girl sang, and even more amazing were the songs she wrote. When Nick had first heard that Miley had a song called 'Stay' he was so sure that it was answer to his song also called 'Stay'.

Now listening the song he was so happy, his heart jumping up and down.

Then, after almost 2 minutes of happiness he realized that the song might not be about him. Miley had her chance with Nick last spring but she'd chosen to be with Will.

"Of course the song's about Will..." Nick said out loud and shut down his computer.

"What's that you said?" Big Rob asked and took his headphones off.

"Nothing, just listened Miley's new song." Nick said quickly trying to avoid having that conversation with Rob. He didn't want to feel crappy again and talking about Miley would just make it worse.

"Nick, dude, look I'm sorry for you, but c'mon you got to get over this. You had your chance with Miley, twice actually. But it just doesn't work out with you two..." Rob said with an apologizing look.

"Yeah, I've heard it all before. And I know it's been over a year since we last were together and I already had moved on but then she had to say that stuff about 'Full Circle' in Rio. Suddenly she's all over the place and everywhere I go I hear people talk about her. It's like she sucked me right back in this love triangle." Nick snapped to Rob.

"Well, I don't think they count it as a love triangle when there's two people totally in love with each other and one loser who just can't get over this one girl. Seriously Nick, I've never really understood what you see in her. I mean Selena's awesome girl and so was Nicole and still you somehow were able to push them away from you." Big Rob was trying to understand what was going on in Nick's head.

"Honestly? I have no idea. She just makes me feel like no one else. I think it's the fact that she always has something new to show and tell.
Like after last year's pole dancing on TCA's; who could have guessed that she could pull out something like her music video for Can't be tamed. And with Miley there's always a challenge. Selena and Nicole were so easy. I need something more tortured and more epic. With Miley we're meant to be and I know it. It just hasn't been our time yet."

Rob shook his head and felt sorry for Nick. He was such a sucker for love stories and romance. When would he understand that Miley wanted totally different things. Miley wanted a bad boy, or older boy, or someone who would shock everyone else. Everyone else understood it, but Nick just didn't seem to have a clue.

"Well we just have to wait and see, but in the meantime could you please just, like, concentrate on your career and on the fact that we are in London, dude. Who knows, maybe you'll find some young British girl and you fall in love with her." Rob said while getting up from the sofa and walking to the door. He continued "I'll see ya in the morning, try to get some sleep and think about something else. Good night Nick."

"Good night Rob..." Nick muttered and opened his laptop and immediately heard Miley's voice coming out of the speakers. He listened as the song ended and then did what he always did when he was in this mood. He started listening to Miley's song "7 things" so that he would get reminded how jealous Miley had been the first time they were together and how badly he sometimes had treated her. Somehow listening to that song brought him back to the place where he knew that loving

Miley was just bad for him, but it didn't change anything. Nick still missed her and he still wasn't quite ready to let go.

As he went to bed he opened his phone and sent a text "Miss you babe, wish I could be with you tonight". Then he went on dreaming about his loved one;

Miley was in his dreams the whole night.

A/N: Hah, Eli postaan nyt mun ficin tännekkin, toivoen että joku lukisi ja antaisi palautetta :) sori virheistä, oon yrittänyt oikolukea, mutta se ei aina ole niin helppoa. :) <3 Ja kopioin tän suoraan fanfictionista, joten nimet on vähän vaihdeltuja, eli Will tarkoittaa siis luonnollisesti Liamia. Ja sillain, bare with me.
Miley Cyrus vol1
Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana

annikaa-: )Luonut: annikaa-Perjantai 26.02.2010 11:44

Säännöt ovat seuraavat:
1. Valitse 4 kaveriasi.
2. Etsi jokaiselle nimelle yhteisö, jossa esiintyy kyseinen nimi!
3. Haasta nämä 4 kaveriasi tekemään saman

hannagÄrr[Ei aihetta]Luonut: hannagÄrrKeskiviikko 23.09.2009 11:13

mietin vähän.
Mun nimi on Hannah MarlénA nii et se on melkee ku Hannah Montana :D:D


Emimon-;DLuonut: Emimon-Lauantai 05.09.2009 03:57

Ria meil yötä! Kovat bileet!!!!<3 Ria on ihan seko XD Se matoilee :DDDDDD BB-huba kivaa XD

-Kunnia Alexille taivaissa tyttöjen (ja Calle) unissa kultaisissa. Andréé, Andrééé, Aaaalex!! XD

-Feikki-Henkka ja vielä söpö! Stalkattii Riankaa niil ♥~♥~♥~♥

-Suklaa bileet!

-Hannah Montana The movie♥ ;)

-Jackson love~<3

-Yö kuvaus<3

-Jeppe on hiano miäs!<3

-"I missing to BB" "Mut sä et kato BB:tä" "Shyys! älä kerro sitä mulle"

"I missing most to the Alex~<3"




Turhaaaaaa! XD

kasu_hei mitä helvettiäLuonut: kasu_Perjantai 28.08.2009 14:29

miks mä oon nähny kahten peräkkäisen yönä hannah montana- unta :
DDD ?!?!!

Hamajo[Ei aihetta]Luonut: HamajoTorstai 25.06.2009 07:24

90% Kaikista nuorista saisi paniikkikohtauksen jos Tokio Hotel/Jonas Brothers/Hannah Montana/yms. seisoisi kymmenkerroksisen talon katolla, valmiina hyppäämään. Kopioi tämä jos kuulut siihen 10%, joka ottaisi popcornia ja ystävänsä mukaan ja menisitte talon alle ja huutaisitte: JUMP ! JUMP ! JUMP!

ei pahalla guys....

/ \

kopioi tämä päiväkirjaasi 30sekunnin aikana niin
sinulle tapahtuu huomenna jotain hyvää

I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head sayin,
You'll never reach it,
Every step I'm taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing,
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on


kertosäe (2x)

Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It's all about
It's all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith

GOEATYRHEARTOUTJuttaLaura<3Luonut: GOEATYRHEARTOUTSunnuntai 24.05.2009 17:33

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