

Minä ja muut
Käyntejä: 593 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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On behalf of my late client, Mr. Rolf Hoffmann of blessed memory, Executors and trustee of his Estates, I write to notify you that you are bequeathed the sum of twelve million, thirty thousand United States Dollars($12,030,000.00) in the codicil to his Will and last testament, for Charity works and humanitarian service. His will was read at Her majesty's Crown Court Probate Division(Registry)uk. December 6th, 2009, as the law stipulates, and it is in execution.You are hereby required by this notification to Confirm your ownership to this Legacy. l shall detail you on the procedure in benefiting this upon the receipt of your response via the email address and fax below;

E-mail ( deanharry@x.xx )
( deanharry1@x.xx )

Tell: +44 702 409 xxxx
+44 702 401 xxxx
Fax: +44 700 597 xxxx
Yours in Service,
Dean Harry Esq.
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