@siskybusiness '@petewentz do you remember when your wife asked if The Butcher and I were dating and she was dead serious? Hahah I guess I can kinda see it'
@petewentz '@siskybusiness it was mostly haircut v neck shirt based and u guys looked kinda euro. I think she still thinks it.'
XDD haha
@petewentz 'i almost stole nash armor for sleeps 600 $ leather jacket today but i didnt cause im a good friend and it didnt fit well.'
pete on ihana<3 (ja mä just typotin sen wnetz[ja se oli niin tärkeetä, et mun piti jakaa teijän kaaa])
"this is possibly the best thing we've ever done. or the most moron."
"this is officially the stupidest thing i've been involved ever."
"this is either the best idea in the world or the worst."
haha ok toi on varmaan täysin yli random jos ei tiiä mitä tapahtu. mut anyways. ne osti donitsiauton.