

Käyntejä: 2 363 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 1
43 jäsentä
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31,8 vuotta
Otos: 26 jäsentä
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Poikien keski-ikä: 30,2 vuotta

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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »






EMOSTICK[Ei aihetta]Luonut: EMOSTICKTorstai 31.03.2011 23:01

i lit my pain on fire
and i watched it all burn down
and now i'm dancing in the ashes
and there's no-one else around
because i wanna be part of something
this is just a story of a broken soul

and as days go by
my heart grows cold
i can't seem to let this all pass me by

take me
and let me in
don't break me
and shut me out

i'm burning in the heavens
and i'm drowning in the hell

lies]---- :DLuonut: lies]Keskiviikko 24.11.2010 18:04

DAY 01 : Your first favorite band.
DAY 02 : A band member / Artist you have a crush on.
DAY 03 : A band / Artist that you're proud of.
DAY 04 : Your least favorite band / artist.
DAY 05 : A band / Artist you've recently heard of.
DAY 06 : A band / Artist you used to hate but now love.
DAY 07 : A band or a band member / Artist you wish you could meet.
DAY 08 : A band / Artist you don't listen as much as you'd like or you think you should.
DAY 09 : A band you wish hadn't broken up.
DAY 10 : A band / Artist that remind you about your a family/best friend.
DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.
DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.
DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.
DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist.
DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.
DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.
DAY 17 : A band / Artist who you misjudged by first impression.
DAY 18 : The band / Artist that has helped you through your worst times.
DAY 19 : The friendliest band member / artist you've met.
DAY 20 : The band / Artist that has had the most influence on your life.


kuubiPapa Roach<3 !!!!Luonut: kuubiMaanantai 09.08.2010 23:56

(myös disturbed, buckcherry ja halestorm..) JACOBY SHADDIX!
15.11 15.11 15.11 15.11 15.11 15.11 15.11 15.11 15.11 15.11 15.11 :):)

vippewihanin ♥Luonut: vippewSunnuntai 21.03.2010 21:06

kasu_[Ei aihetta]Luonut: kasu_Keskiviikko 23.12.2009 00:33

siis okei, mä rakastan scarred- sarjaa mut mua rupee jo pikkuhiljaa ärsyttää ku jacobyn pitää vetää noit *ahh* *uuh* niinku sattuis kattoo noit clippei :--D se tekee niit aina !!!

ei täs muuta : D

KAPSLOCKnäinLuonut: KAPSLOCKLauantai 05.09.2009 23:56

emma. sanoo:
oot si leijanki käännyttäny sen papa roachin laulajan faniks =(

-HIM-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: -HIM-Perjantai 31.07.2009 02:08

"Vuosia niiden päälle on astuttu, mutta nyt skeittilaudat kostavat!" ~ Jacoby Shaddix
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