

Käyntejä: 1 421 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
13 jäsentä
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21,9 vuotta
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Jäsenet (13)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

ydl-Luonut: ydlSunnuntai 25.09.2011 23:34

I know you're afraid I'm a leaver
But I'm in the fight here,
Stay, I'm a dreamer
If ever your heart is blinded
Whatever was lost, you'll find it
Baby, I know you're afraid I'm a leaver
But I'm in the fight here,
Stay, I'm a dreamer

dreamersdream[Ei aihetta]Luonut: dreamersdreamLauantai 03.10.2009 19:03

miks mä katon live videoita? nyt haluun vaan entistä enemmän kattoon kaikkia.....

dreamersdream[Ei aihetta]Luonut: dreamersdreamLauantai 26.09.2009 20:01

(mä koitan lopettaa tän, mutta...) <3

oikeesti. haluisin viettää päivän noitten jätkien kaa. ne on niin ylihyper.

dreamersdream[Ei aihetta]Luonut: dreamersdreamKeskiviikko 23.09.2009 23:41

(sori mä nyt vaan hehkutan mfh:ta)

mut toi on ihana. kun will pyyhkii tosta ton 'sexy' aaaawh <33

dreamersdream<333Luonut: dreamersdreamTiistai 22.09.2009 22:36

If your life is so damn comfortable then why do you complain?
A reflection in the alcohol you're pouring down the drain
Just because you paint a picture doesn't mean it fits the frame
This is my West Coast intervention and I'm getting on that plane
When all of your mistakes are keeping you awake

tää on ihanin laulu. aaaa
tai nää lyriikat.

Life flies by so you have to embrace it
Forget the past 'cause you cannot erase it
So live the dream, and learn to chase it
And when you can almost taste it
It's all come alive
Nothing's bigger than love
Nothing's bigger than love
Nothing's bigger than love
All you need, all you need, all you need is love

Some people change and some just won't
You can't take back the words you wish you'd never said
Promises break and lovers will lie
You hold up your hands and let out a sigh
So smile right before you fall
And lay beside this mess and call it consequence
Somebody said that life isn't fair
When somebody else was saying a prayer
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »