

Televisio ja elokuvat
Käyntejä: 3 135 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 4
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28,6 vuotta
Otos: 82 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 28,7 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 28,5 vuotta

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TigerousLoMLuonut: TigerousKeskiviikko 16.06.2010 04:23

Annie: No more funny stuff?
Sam: Funny stuff?
Annie: You know, the wholeÂ… time travel, out of body experience thing.
Sam: Well, I went to see Doctor Who and he prescribed me some pills, soÂ…
Annie: You know, I can’t work you out. You’re either mental—
Sam: Or?
Annie: OrÂ… you just use that stuff as a chat-up line. Make yourself sound interesting.
Sam: “Please shag me, I’m in a coma”?
Annie: ThereÂ’s no need to be rude. I was just saying.
Sam: Sorry. If it was a chat-up lineÂ… would it work?
Annie: [grins] No chance.

Life on Mars 1.05

"I tried this new 'jogging' nonsense 'cos my doctor said it adds years to your life. He was right, I feel ten years older."

"The Gene Genie's top tip for a hangover....lots of beer and wine the night before."

"Managed to save a solicitor from drowning today. I shot him before he hit the water."

"Money talks. Trouble is, mine only knows one word - "Goodbye"."

"I like very long walks, especially when they are taken by the people who annoy me."

"The best way to get rid of a telemarketer is to ask them what they are wearing."

"The last person to drive across London in under an hour was shouting "The Romans are coming run for your lives"."

"All this stuff I'm reading about diets & healthy living is getting me I've taken action - I've stopped reading."

"Saw a woman driving while knitting "Pull over" -I shouted, "No" she replied "It's a scarf"."

Ahahahahahahaaaaa, lol. Gene you are a Genie. <3 (and I'm talking to a tv-character, blimey!)

ACKLESLife on Mars loppu :SLuonut: ACKLESSunnuntai 27.07.2008 16:45

Eilen vast näin sen viimesen jakson. Ja nyt se sit loppu. Perhana. :<
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