

Televisio ja elokuvat
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23,1 vuotta
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mayraLuonut: mayraLauantai 26.12.2009 20:20

Chief Master Sergeant Epps: Did he say good-bye?
Major Lennox: No, he didn't say good-bye.

Jetfire: What do you want?
Sam Witwicky: Look, we just want to talk!
Jetfire: I've got no time to talk, I'm on a mission! I'm a mercenary doom-bringer!... What planet am I on?
Sam Witwicky: Earth.
Jetfire: Earth? Terrible name for a planet. Might as well call it DIRT, Planet Dirt...

Mikaela Banes: Is he still having voice problems?
Sam Witwicky: He's playing it off.

Sam Witwicky: They gotta mean something, like a map or like map. Like a map to an Energon source! Can you read this?
Skids: Read?
Mudflap: No. We don't really do much reading. Not so much.

Sam Witwicky: Bee, if you hate me I understand. I messed up. I'm sorry.
Bumblebee: You are the person I care for most in my life, and if there is anything you need I won't be far away.

Chief Master Sergeant Epps: I hope those F-16s got good aim.
Major Lennox: Yeah? Why's that?
Chief Master Sergeant Epps: I told them to hit the orange smoke.
[looks slowly at the orange smoke a few feet to his right]
Major Lennox: You mean that orange smoke?
Chief Master Sergeant Epps: It wasn't my best throw...

Agent Simmons: I spent my whole life looking for NBEs, and you've got one on your leash like a Chihuahua...

Wheelie: I'm changing sides. I'm changing sides, to the Warrior Goddess.
[climbs on Mikaela's foot]
Wheelie: Who's your little Autobot?
Mikaela Banes: Aww, You're cute...
Wheelie: Name's Wheelie. Yeah. Say my name, say my name...
Sam Witwicky: What are you allowing to happen to your foot just now?
Mikaela Banes: At least he's faithful, Sam.
Sam Witwicky: Yeah, well, he's faithful and he's nude and he's perverted.

Love it! Se on loistava. Toteutus ja kaikki - pure love!
Ja Tyrese Gibson on HOT. Jokaiselle sen kohtaukselle oli pakko vinkua. Optimus Prime on kuollu ja erittäin herkkä hetki menossa (i didn't cry btw) ja mitä mä teen - inisen Gibsonille joka muuten näytti erittäin hyvältä niissä aurinkolaseissaan. Oli melkein julmaa laittaa se siihen kohtaukseen.
Lopussa oli pakko itkeä.
Ja miten on mahdollista että itkevä autobotti (jota ei edes ole olemassa) on niin perhanan suloinen että sille on ihan pakko awwitella? C'moon, se on AUTO.
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