

Käyntejä: 2 587 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
40 jäsentä
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21,6 vuotta
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Jäsenet (40)

« Uudemmat -
Herranjumala, oon iha shokissa, en ois arvannu, et mä pääsen täältä näin nopeesti pois! Oon koulussa hypärillä, hyvä etten itke onnesta ja helpotuksesta, kaks päivää enää ja tää on ohi!:')
Nyt on pakko taas saada tilittää, mun hermot ei ihan oikeesti kestä:(

Ensinnäki, mä kävin sunnuntai iltana/yönä päivystyksessä Rian kanssa, rinnassa johtuvan kivun takia, joka on lääkärin mukaan aiheutunu STRESSISTÄ ja ELÄMÄN TILANTEIDEN MUUTOKSISTA eikä SYÖMISESTÄ, ihan näin alkuinfona. Sit eilen ku mä tulin koulusta nii mä aattelin, et kaikki on iha normaalisti mut sit yhtäkkiä Ria rupes valittamaan jostain, en muista ees mistä ja heilutti kädessään jottain Bettinan kirjottamaa listaa ja osotteli siitä, mitä asioita mä en oo tehny tai mitkä oon tehny iha päin mäntyä. Mä olin oikeesti iha puulla päähän lyöty, koska ne jutut mitä se selitti ei pitäny paikkaansa mut se oli selvästi päättäny, et se on nyt mua vastaan enkä mä saanu ees puolustaa mua, ku haukkuja tuli oikein ryöppynä. Tässäpä muutama esimerkki:

1. Mulla on rumat hiukset
Ne on kuulema suorastaan järkyttävät, musta saa itsekeskeisen kuvan, ne ei käy mulle, on liian pitkät ja mä vaikutan sulkeutuneelta.

2. Mä oon itsekeskeinen, aattelen vaan itteeni

3. En puhu tarpeeks tanskaa
Mun pittäis kuulema puhua jo TOSI HYVÄÄ tanskaa, koska mä oon ollu täällä JO KOLME JA PUOLI KUUKAUTTA

4. Mä oon epäkohtelias

5. Mä tuhlaan niitten kaikki rahat enkä kuulema ees tajua sitä
Öö mitähä hittoo? Ne on tasan vaan ostanu ruokaa mulle, ei mittään muuta ja eiköhä ne oo ton tajunnu vaihtarin ottoo suunnitellessa, et ei se ilmasta oo ja ruoka on ostettava?

6. En siivoo tarpeeks omassa huoneessa
Viimeks siivosin sen sunnuntaina tai lauantaina ja mun mielestä se oli tosi hyvässä kunnossa, mä oikein imuroinki siellä ja mitä sanoo Ria? Huone näyttää yhtä hirveeltä, ku aiemminki, tuntupa tosi kivalta, ku oikeesti yritin

7. En puhu Riasta ja Markista nimillä
Koko ajanko niitä nimiä pittäis hokee?

8. Jos mulle sanotaan, et Jenni nii mä sanon tietysti mitä, niin ei kuulema saisi tehdä
Pitäisi sanoa hvad siger du Ria/Mark? No anteeks, mä en sano sitä ollakseni epäkohtelias, se vaan tulee suusta automaattisesti ja eikö se oo iha luonnollista, et sanoo, et mitä jos joku sanoo sulle jottain

9. Mut piti viiä sairaalaan keskellä yötä, koska syön liikaa suklaata
Mitä hemmettiä oikeesti??? Se lääkäri sano, et syömisellä ei oo mittään tekemistä ton jutun kanssa, jos mä joisin kahvia tai tupakoisin nii sit se ois eri asia mut nyt johtu iha vaan stressistä! Sit se oli vissiin menny penkomaan mun roskista, kiva ku olin just viskannu sinne iha sairaan vanhoja roskia viikonloppuna mun laukuista nii tottakai siellä oli paljo papereita :)

10. Se ei kuulema ihmettele, et mut potkittiin edellisestä perheestä pihalle

Ja mä ku itku kurkussa/itkien puolustin itteeni nii tää vaan nauro, et kyllä mä oon iha tyypillinen teini nyt. Ja myöhemmin sano, et kyllä ne musta tykkää silti :) Haistasivat oikein pitkät, mä lähen oikeesti nyt kottiin.

jjjjenniikivaa olla vaihtariLuonut: jjjjenniiKeskiviikko 11.11.2009 21:49

Meilla on ens viikonloppuna puolivalileiri (!) Tommerupissa, Fynin saarella, Odensen vieressa. Yfun talolla meilla on kokoontuminen vasta klo 20 perjantaina ja me ollaan ties miten pitkaan puhuttu muitten vaihtareitten kanssa, et nahaan jo aikasemmin Odensessa ja pidetaan hauskaa ja mennaan keilaamaan ja kaikkee kivaa, vietettas oikein laatuaikaa yhessa. Nyt sit on ollu puhetta, et me nahaan Odensessa noin klo 12 ja ma olisin menossa Elinan kanssa taalta hornan tuutista samalla junalla, joka ois perilla klo 11:04. Ma oon hosteillekki puhunu tosta ja se oli sillon niille iha ok, nyt ku ollaan varaamassa Elinan kanssa liput huomenna nii naa sanoo, et ei kay, ku Yfu kieltaa koulusta poissa olemisen, mee myohemmin eli ma oisin vasta klo 17 Odensessa :) Hieman kyrsii, miten ma saan nuo antamaan luvan mulle!?! Kaikki muut menee, hieman ehka ulkopuolinen olo tulis, jos ma tulisin 5 tuntia myohassa.. - , -

jjjjennii3 kuukauden kunniaksLuonut: jjjjenniiLauantai 31.10.2009 14:38

Tasta tiedat olleesi liian pitkaan Tanskassa;

You think there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.

You think its normal to pick up a girl in a pub, walk her to her bike and ride with her back home.

You think its impolite to sit next to someone in a bus if there is a bench where you can sit on your own.

You go to the supermarket and buy three good beers and 10 not too good ones.

You can open a beer bottle with almost anything.

You honestly believe that the distance between Copenhagen and Aalborg is long.

You can tell the difference between a Grøn Tuborg and a Carlsberg beer.

The first thing you do on entering a bank/post office/pharmacy etc. is to look for the queue number machine.

You accept that you will have to queue to take a queue number.

When a stranger on the street smiles at you, you assume that:
a. he is drunk;
b. he is insane;
c. he is British;
d. he is all of the above.

Silence is fun.

It no longer seems excessive to spend 800 kr. on alcohol in a single night.

You know that "religious holiday" means "let's get pissed".

You use "Mmmm" as conversation filler.

The word "yes" is an intake of breath.

You have only two facial expressions, smiling or blank

Traditional dinners may not necessarily mean a cooked meal.

You forget how to open canned beer.

Can't remember when to say "please" and "excuse me".

You frown at "guest workers" who use "please" and "excuse me" for not integrating!

You will leave a pub if you can't find a seat.

Your wardrobe no longer has suits but blue shirts and mustard colored sports jackets and lots of denim.

You don't mind paying the same for a 200-metre bus ride as you do for going 10 kms.

You don't look twice at businessmen in dark suits wearing white sport socks.

You start to believe that if it weren't for Denmark's efforts, the world would probably collapse pretty soon.

You find yourself more interested in the alcohol content than the name of the wine.

It feels natural to wear sport clothes and a backpack everywhere.

You know the meaning of life has something to do with the word "hyggelig".

You are very surprised when you receive compliments about ANYTHING - including your appearance/clothing! In fact when you do, you find it suspicious and start thinking they might have ulterior motives.

You no longer offer to get the cheque on a date - for fear of physical attack from your felame companion.

You don't think it strange that no one ever comes by to visit without being invited and you never show up at any one's place unannounced either.

You find yourself lighting candles when you have guests - even if it is brightly sunny outside and 20 degrees.

You offer people strange-tasting brown alcoholic liquids with their coffee in the MORNING!

You find the idea walking across the street when the light is red unforgivable, even though there are no cars in sight and it's 3am in the morning!

You consider a 6 month InterRail or Backpacking trip sufficient to "know" the world and thus proclaim Denmark to be the pinnacle of civilization. For thereafter to settle back into mediocracy, smug in the knowledge that you "braved those wild frontiers" :P

You understand that Danes aren't rude and abrupt like they may appear, just a little more reserved than most but once you gain their trust they will be your friend for life.

You accept the stereotype that Swedes are always drunk, Germans are always nude when they have sand under their feet and English speaking people tend to smile to hide confusion.

The highlight of your evening is the hotdog with remoulade or the calzone from 7/11 at the end of the night-end of the night being the arrival of the first bus in the morning!

You consider standing in the Airport Arrivals hall waving a danish flag normal and "hyggeligt"

You've become the master guru of bicycle repair

You find normal spending the whole week-end with your mates rather than with your partner

You start setting up Dannebrog everywhere

You think someone saying Undskyld is just a weirdo

You start yelling at pedestrians crossing at red light while there is no car in sight

You think anyone who is not convinced any single thing in Denmark is great (but maybe the weather, ok), and the Danes the most civilized people on earth should just go home

You are sincerely unable to understand someone asking for the Strøget if the ø is hesitant, the stød isn't pronounced enough, the g not smelted into an l or the t is heard

You know anything else than a Danish diploma cannot have any value

You say Skål at every sip because you can't find anything else to say

You dance around the christmas tree singing carols

You consider anyone who has bought property and sold it on at a profit to be a "shark" and thus a fair target for all sorts of negative comments and bad feelings!

You don't check for other pedestrians behind you before you stop in a crowded street.

You don't really want things to go TOO well for anyone, unless they make you proud of being from Denmark.

You can say rød grød med fløde, Blåbærsyltetøj, and Angstskrig.

You are not surprised to have the closing door slam you in the face if following too closely behind somebody. Why should you hold the door for someone else?!?

You know the rules of handball!

You think its okay to walk away from a conversation without excusing yourself

You, every time you're in an awkward silence, have the urge to say "jo-jooooo..."

You consider spending more than 30 minutes on a bike and/or bus/train to get to school totally normal

You no longer freak out about getting to the train station in plenty of time because you know that DSB will be late anyway

You plan your trips allowing plenty of time for the DSB train you're on which will undoubtedly be late

You can't remember what a party without alcohol is like

You no longer have the urge to stand up and dance at a club or a party until you have consumed large amounts of alcohol

You have given up all hope of finding any logic in the pronunciation of the Danish language

You feel comfortable laughing at jokes about Swedes

You find the idea that somewhere in the world there are "no-smoking" signs in restaurants, train stations, etc, foreign

You think it is interesting to discuss the pronunciation of the words håndklæde (towel), hindbær (raspberries), sort (black) and hjort (deer)

You think it's perfectly fine too steal a bike if you're drunk enough

You believe that the days of the week are named after the nothern mythology

You think it is normal being paid 90 kr. a hour for working at a supermarket

You only refer football clubs by their initials

You hate everyone from the other side of Bæltet

You consider the Island of Funen (Fyn) to be a speedbump

You can bakke snagvendt (altså snakke bagvendt)

You have completely forgotten the concept of twist-off bottle caps

Tipping waiters/barstaff/taxi drivers seems overly gratuitous

You have forgotten the meaning of the word "gratuitous"

You complain about only having 5 weeks of vacation a year

You no longer notice the noxious gasses given off by the cheese in your fridge

You no longer notice all the windmills

You think it normal for there to be over 10 political parties to choose from

You for that matter, think it normal for 'Venstre' to be a right-wing party

You know your teacher, doctor and/or in-laws by their first names

You like to think the fact that the Queen is a chain-smoker makes her 'down-to-earth'

When making a right-hand turn while driving, you habitually check over your shoulder for bicyclists

You find yourself reading the subtitles even when watching something in english

You no longer consider joining Scouts to be completely geeky

You have given up trying to find a radio station with good music

You buy a hot dog with a credit card

You find it normal that shops close earlier on weekends

You find girls with a beer belly attractive

You have an insurance on your bike

You trash any leftovers

You answer calls by saying your name (which confuses people abroad)

You start to MISS an openly corrupt government

You take your wallet to a private party

You fill your own car with petrol

You pack your own groceries

You consider it a BAD idea unless it was agreed upon by the "group"

You never say "Thank You" to the bus driver for driving you all around the city

001] before waiting to see if anyone understood what you meant, you start acting it out.

002] you think 100 pounds to pack up your entire life is plenty of space.

003] you don't have preferences anymore, especially when it comes to food. Nothing tastes familiar, thats for sure.

004] you spend a lot of time smiling, nodding, and pretending you understand what's going on.

005] you classify "doing your homework" as translating half of it. And that alone took three hours.

006] when your grandma asks you what you've been learning, you tell her something general, instead of "how to open beer bottles with a 50 cent coin."

007] you sometimes use the excuse "Sorry, I don't understand" to avoid answering a question....even if you do.

008] they offer cocktails at the back-to-school party.

009] you want to hug the people who attempt to speak your native language to you.

010] you've called every person who says "hi" to you your friend... because you don't really have any yet.

011]you'll read anything in your native language just to have something to read...even packaging labels.

012]you've got on the bus and had the driver say "you don't want to be on this bus" because you got on the same bus the night before and it was wrong then, too.

013] you sometimes walk around the school during breaks to act like you're doing something, because you don't see anyone you recognize and don't want to stand there awkwardly.

014] you know the answer to a question in a class but don't raise your hand because you don't want people to expect to much from you.

015] you're better than your teacher in your foreign language class.

016] you are a master of pantomime and circumlocution and still can't have a conversation.

017] you actually think the language barrier is a good thing when it comes to things like lying to your host parents.

018] you've ever mispronounced something in your native language (for example, names of products, TV shows, companies) because you know the others will understand it better if you say it with an accent.

019] you've tried so many different foods due entirely to the fact that you cannot understand the person asking you what you want so you just nod your head, say "yes", and hope to god it tastes half-decent.

020]you've tried to order something in your host country's language only to be answered in english because you did it so badly.

021]you've gotten annoyed with said people that automatically answer you in English when you try to speak to them in their language.

022] after you come back everybody tells you that you have a weird accent.

023] your dreams are bilingual.

024]sometimes it takes you about 5 minutes to remember a word in your native language that you were going to use.

025] you automatically use words in a foreign language that you cant even translate but they just seem to fit the context.

026] you watch television shows and movies that you know in your native language, just to understand it for once.

027] you begin to enjoy foods that you had previously despised at home.

028] you've gotten out of a punishment or being yelled at because you didn't understand the language, or at least pretended you didn't.

029] it becomes a habit to introduce yourself by saying: "I am from (country) and my name is (name)."

030] you've gotten upset because someone assumed you wanted to do something...and then were told you were asked if you wanted too, and you said yes!

031] you've said something like 'oh yes' or 'not thanks' only to have everyone laugh because your answer made no sense compared to the question.

032] you actually got a high five when you understood what someone said to you.

033] you're never sure if someone's being your friend, flirting, seducing you, or sexually harassing you.

034] while you're having a nice conversation with your Gastopa and Oma, your host sister is making out on the same couch. Then her and her boyfriend are always sure to announce when they are going to take a bath together.

035] you're not sure whether it's a children's book or porn.

036] you get a little scared before starting a sentence with big words in it in another language.

037] you have been put in a one or more classes with the fifth graders, because you're supposed to understand more there.

038] you are always counting the time difference between where you are and home.

039] you always forget the time difference when you call a friend or family member back home.....sorry for waking you up at 4 AM mom.

040] you do something wrong and people look at you weird, your excuse is "That's how we do it in my country" even if it isn't.

041] you have gone in to greet someone with a shake of hands and find yourself being pulled into an awkward hug/double kiss on the cheek or the other way around.

042] you carry a dictionary and a camera in your bag.

043] you get so used to broken English you finish people's sentences even though no one else can understand them.

044] you get into arguments with the foreign language teacher (English) over how to pronounce something.

045] you try to speak in the native language and everyone immediately knows "You're not from around here".

046] you can get into the strictest clubs with your ID from you host country, because most people get confused and just let you get in.

047] you know every cuss word in your host language, but still cant conjugate into past or future tense.

048] peoples stares don't bother you anymore.

049] you're ready to drink anytime of the day.

050] you have mastered the arts of deception and sneakery.

051] you've spent more than one night getting drunk with your host parents.

052] everyone thinks your playing the tough guy when you say you haven't called your mom yet and don't miss her too much.

053] a conversation is going fine, before it suddenly get stuck on some word or phrase which makes you completely forget what you were talking about.

054] you buy clothes in your country so you don't look so much like a foreigner.

jjjjenniiuus perhe?Luonut: jjjjenniiPerjantai 16.10.2009 17:12

tadadadaaaa mulle on ehka loytyny uus hostperhe:) en muista sita paikkakuntaa missa ne on asuu mut se on vaha pohjosemmassa ku mita søften oli, joku 45km mun koulusta pohjoseen. siihen perheeseen kuulus vaan hostvanhemmat ja koira + niilla on iso talo :) joku kirsten menee haastattelemaan ne sunnuntaina ja jos ne on iha jarkevia ja suostuuvat ottamaan mut nii paasen sinne ens viikolla...

tarkempia kuulumisia lukee blogista, en jaksa joka kohtaan kirjottaa mut hengissa oon edelleen, ei hattaa::D

kkarlafrom UruguayLuonut: kkarlaKeskiviikko 07.10.2009 07:11

Aattelin etta pitaa mun ainaki yhen kerran kirjottaa galleriaan paivakirjamerkinta taalta maapallon toiselta puolelta. Mut taitaa jaada viimeiseksi, en kauheen usen kay galleriassa kun taa tietokone on aika hidas nii en jaksa yleensa tehda muuta ko kayda facebookissa ja sahkopostissa. Sit jumitan facebookchattiin ;D Taa koko perhe on ihan koukussa facebookkiin, mun hostisa lahettelee mulle jotain "mika alkoholijuoma olisit"-testilinkkeja siella ;DDDD

Mutjoo taalla menee hyvin, hengailen mun hostsiskon huoneessa kuuntelemassa Avril Lavignea koska se tykkaa very much : D Se ei kuuntele mitaan muuta oikeesti. Yhesti oon kuullu et taalla soi joku muu bandi :PP Mut kiitos Avril Lavignen Itah speaks very good english :)

Juuuuuuu. Huomenna ei oo koulua hehheee. Meen ostaa itelle juhlamekon varmaan.

YFU uruguay on muuten tosi ihana, ainakin paakaupungissa se toimii tosi hyvin ja eilen ne soitti mullekki etta onhan mulla kaikki hyvin. taalla pohjoisessa toiminta ei ole ihan yhta aktiivista kuin mita oon Montevideo-vaihtareilta kuullu et siella on. Mun area rep on soittanu mulle kerran ja sillon mun espanjankielentaito rajoittui siihen et osasin just ja just vastata "si" kun se kysy et onks kaikki ihan ok siella :D Enka oo viel nahny sita. Mut se ei oo sen vika (eika munkaan!) koska se asuu kahden tunnin bussimatkan paassa ja oon kayny siina kaupungissa vaan kolmesti ja eka kerralla se oli koulureissu joten en voinu menna tapaamaan sita, toka kerralla piti menna kattoo sita mut aika loppu kesken kun viimenen bussi lahti jo viidelta ja viimeks olin hostserkun kans shoppailemassa eika jaksettu alkaa saatamaan mitaan tapaamisia siihen valiin :D Mut ENS kerralla. Koska mulla on sille lahjaki :D

Besos para todosssss
ja lukekaa mun blogia:

liivatese on nyt moroLuonut: liivatePerjantai 21.08.2009 02:19

:) ;_______________________________;
Kohta lähetään Mäntsälään ajelemaan, huomenna sit klo 7 kait mennään jo lentokentälle ja klo 9.30 lähtee lento kohti Kööpenhaminaa. Ei tuu nyt mittään kauheen syvällistä tekstiä mut soitelkaa, tekstailkaa, laittakaa sähköpostia, lukekaa blogia, tänne en varmaankaan pahemmin kirjottele :--D

Annissa[Ei aihetta]Luonut: AnnissaLauantai 11.07.2009 23:21

Voisin nyt vaikka laittaa tännekin tuon mun blogin esille minne sitten kirjoittelen jotain ennen vuotta ja sitten siellä ollessa. Kuten näkyy, oon kirjotellu jo maaliskuusta 2008 asti, ja toivoisin että mahdollisimman moni lisää itsensä lukijaks, että tiedän että edes jotkut lukevat noita mun huonoja kirjotuksia vuoden aikana :D Ja kommenttia toki saa kirjoittaa, niitä on kiva lukea sitten kun oon tuolla "kaukana" :P
(huom, osoitemuutos)
« Uudemmat -