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mushroomkidnojaaLuonut: mushroomkidLauantai 01.05.2010 21:15

onha se iha jepa

yawdreg"I Hate Kill Hannah!"Luonut: yawdregKeskiviikko 21.04.2010 19:41


Ja Mat ownaa:

Plus vielä mahtavat analysoinnit Raccoon Societyssä:

PART I: Call to Action. Mission Statement.

“I really hate the band Kill Hannah.

That fuckin' ... faggot.. in... the... the singer.
I just can not stand him.
He's not real.
He's so, like, prefabricated and.. “

This opening salvo is refreshingly succinct. She forgoes all the conventional niceties, such as a personal salutation, and gets right down to immediate business, putting her best foot forward.

The agenda is unambiguous: Clearly she has taken issue with my band, and in particular, me. She finds my image to be alarmingly contrived and disingenuous, and this is a legitimate cause for concern. She also expresses a strong disdain for homosexuals, of which, she is certain I am one.


“I don't know, they're just... bleh!

-And, like, my roommate is obsessed with them!
He, like, loves them. He goes to their shows and everything, and i'm just like,

'Cool. I'm glad you're obsessed with a fag band.' “

Here, in classic textbook form, she expands upon the general sentiments asserted to in the introduction.

Then, in a stroke of genius, she baits the audience by citing an example of someone who, to the contrary, is surprisingly NOT disgusted by my music (her roommate), only to cut him down with a clever sarcastic jibe.
Further, her accusations of grotesque homosexuality have developed beyond me, individually, to now encompass the band as a whole.


“It's just kind of like...hehe... Why?

I don't...
and the.. ugh. No!”

Here she boldly and playfully departs from convention. Having already established and proven her case so cohesively in PARTS I and II, she wisely identifies this as a ripe moment for pure, unrehearsed, lyrical abandon.

Rare, in cold logical discourse, is the chance to truly dance with language, and she seizes the opportunity. The clever use of monosyllables, in this instance, poetically conveys an uncensored, unfiltered passion for her cause.

PART IV; Wrap up
“I don't understand.

I mean, if anyone likes them, more power to 'em,
I just don't want to hear about it.
Clear and simple. Thank you.”

Here, we find the elegant conclusion to the monologue, wherein the audience is reminded that, as permitted by the Constitution, all Americans are indeed free to enjoy whichever bands we like, (homosexual or otherwise) -provided it is kindly done so in seclusion.

In one final flash of brilliance, while playfully crossing her lazy eyes, she carefully chooses to finish with the words “Thank You…” -a disarming closing remark, proving that she is as gracious as she is passionate. –a shining example to us all, that even in verbal warfare, you can always have a touch of class.

ja vielä I Hate Kill Hannah Fag Band Remix:


yawdreg[Ei aihetta]Luonut: yawdregKeskiviikko 30.09.2009 23:09

mikey: Little known fact; about 12 years ago, mat devine offered me a try-out to be in Kill Hannah. I was 17 and living at my parents house.

onko edes hieman siistiä. hii.

dearmaisie[Ei aihetta]Luonut: dearmaisieMaanantai 15.06.2009 22:39

... tajusin just et todella monella jätkällä on samanlainen huppari kun mulla. ehkä pitäs jatkossa pysyä poissa sieltä h&m:n jätkien osastolta.

mulla ei ole tylsää <3
MUTKU TÄÄ FICCI KUSEE HAHAHAHHAHA. mää en ossaa kirjottaaa. 8<

mutku brian on ihana. <3

Mä en tiedä, missä Gerard tutustui Brianiinsa, mutta Brian on… kaunis. Sanalla sanoen kaunis. Sillä on suuret silmät, ne ovat siniset, ja sillä on kajalia silmissään. Se soittaa kitaraa ja laulaa yhdessä bändissä, ja se bändi on kohtalaisen tunnetukin. Se on vanhempi kuin Gerard, viitisen vuotta. Gerard oli viisitoista kun se oli kaksikymmentä, ja nyt se on kaksikymmentäkuusi kun Gerard on kahdenkymmenenyhden.

^ mun kuvailut kuseeeeee. HAHAHAHAHAHA. on se kivaa. tässä ficissä mulla on ollut jo hmm... aiden, msi, mcr tietty, used, ja nyt sitten viel placebo... mitähän vielä. pitäskö ens osassa tai epilogissa pistää frank ihastumaan mat devineen ?
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