

Televisio ja elokuvat
Käyntejä: 1 909 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
34 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 7 (21 %)
Poikia: 27 (79 %)
27,2 vuotta
Otos: 26 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 25,3 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 27,7 vuotta

Jäsenet (34)

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aavikkohiekkaMACHETELuonut: aavikkohiekkaTorstai 29.07.2010 00:00

u fucked with the wrong mexican

* Danny Trejo as Machete, "a legendary ex-Federale with a deadly attitude and the skills to match."

* Steven Seagal as Torrez, a druglord.

* Michelle Rodriguez as Shé, "a sexy taco-truck lady with a rebellious spirit and revolutionary heart."

* Jeff Fahey as Booth, "a ruthless businessman with an endless payroll of killers."

* Cheech Marin as Padre, "a priest who's good with blessings, but better with guns."

* Lindsay Lohan as The Sister, "nun with a gun."

* Don Johnson as Von, "a twisted border vigilante leading a small army."

* Jessica Alba as Sartana, "a beautiful Immigrations Officer torn between enforcing the law and doing what is right."

* Robert De Niro as The Senator

* Rose McGowan as Ginger, hired by Benz

* Electra and Elise Avellan as The Sexy Nurses at the hospital where Machete is treated.

* Cheryl Chin as Torrez's Henchwoman

* Tom Savini as Unknown character. He was seen in the first official trailer as a man with a machine gun who Machete stalked.

* Daryl Sabara as Julio

* Carlos Gallardo as Deputy Carlos

* Alicia Rachel Marek as June Benz, socialite wife of Benz and April's mother.

* Tim Roth as Agent Orange, the title character of Quentin Tarantino's rumored fake trailer.

* Rick Yune as Li Chan, Agent Orange's South Vietnamese Sidekick.

* Sacha Baron Cohen as Colonel Weathers, in the Agent Orange trailer.

* Stacy Keach as Doc Franklin, the rumored antagonist of the fake trailer.

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