kerto: -
verse1(DK): paljon sanottavaa, en tiedä mistä alottaisin/
jos vain voisin tekisin paljon toisin, sut mun kainalooni haluaisin/
lupaan olla täydellinen, sua kybäl kannustaisin/
rakastan, tiedät vaikken joka päivä sitä tuu kertoo/ y
ritän olla ystävällinen, kädet kaulaas kietoo/
ennekun nukahdan, kelaan sun kasvoja/
kauniita huuliis ja sun vartaloa/
ne kaikki saa mut helposti flippaa/
kun katsot silmii, nään miedät ainoastaa/
muu katoo ympärilt, kuuntele näitä sanoja/
tein tän sulle kulta tosissaa ja rakkaudella/
yhdessä haluan viettää koko elämäni, sulle ikuisikseksi luovutan sydämmeni, tiedäthän kulta, tiedät sä mun tunteeni/
rakkaudella skriivaa sun danesi/
Olit mun, et kenenkää muu..
mä luotin suhu ettet satuttais mua koskaa,,
kuulin juorui, mut en halunnu niihi uskoo
tä on kai sit ikuist tuskaa,,
mä tosiiaan rakastin sua, ja rakastan yhä edellee,,
mä en ooo enää sun este,
ikuisesti juon tätä nestet!
mä odotin jotain muuta ku sun paskapuhumist.
annoin kaikkeni et meist tulis jotai, mut nii!
ps. tarjosin kättä mut et ottanu, merkiks siit et tä juttu o kai sit loppunu! : (
Jos joku kertoisi mitä mä tääl vielä teen,
ottais kädestä, taluttais huomiseen,
sä siellä, mä poissa, onnellinen loppu vain tarinoissa,
niinkuin maa alta pettää on kulissit pettäneet jo,
nyt kun molemmat on näytelleet osansa voidaan riisua naamiot,
Kumpa vaan pois pääsisin täältä,
sydän sielu on pelkkää jäätä,
mä en halua tuntea mitään,
silti kuorma kasvaa taas lisää,
en oo syytön enkä yksin syyllinen,
en vaa haluu niitä hetkii uudelleen elää,
ne toistuu päässä niinkuin kaiku, ne ei lähde pois
sä lähdet se sattuu miten häviskään kaikki mitä oltii luvattu,
näin se menee näin ne kyyneleet vähenee ja sun kuvas hälvenee,
en mä voi alkaa hyvästei jättämään, muuta arkkuun peittämään,
viimeks lähti teme: (, ei se ole mun vuoro.
en saa meistä edes muistoo mukaan,
sinne mistä palaa ei kukaan,
sä tuut takaisin jos se on tärkeää,
jos et, etpähän voi satuttaa enempää.
I can't imagine all the people that you know
And the places that you go
When the lights are turned down low
And I don't understand
All the things you've seen
But I'm slipping in between
You and your big... dreams
It's always you and my big dreams
And you tell me
That it's over
But I can't stand here in a patch of four leaf clover
And your restless
And I'm naked
You've got to get out
You can't stand to see me shaking
No, could you let me go
I didn't think so
And you don't want to be here in the future
So you say
The present's just a pleasant
Interruption to the past
And you don't want to look much closer
'Cause you're afraid to find out all the hope
That you had sent into the sky by now had... crashed
And it did because of me
And then you bring me home
Afraid to find out that you're alone, no
And I'm sleeping in your living room
But we don't have much room
To live
And I had dreams that I would learn to play guitar
Maybe cross the country
Become a rockstar
And there was hope in me
That I could take you there
But dammit you're so young
But I don't think I care
And if I hurt you then I'm sorry
Please don't think that this was easy
And then you bring me home
'Cause we both know what its like to be alone, no
And I'm dreaming in your living room
But we don't have much room
To live
Konstantine came walking down the stairs
Doesn't she look good
Standing in her underwear?
And I've been thinking, and I've thinking, no
But she's been drinking
And it doesn't get me anywhere
My Konstantine came walking down the stairs
And all that I could do
Was touch her long blond hair
And I was thinking, what I was thinking ya know
We've been drinking and it doesn't get me anywhere
This is because I can spell confusion with a K
and I like it
It's to dying in another's arms
And why I had to try it
It's to jimmy eat world
And those nights in my car
But this time I'm alone, and I don't see those stars
I'm not your star?
Isn't that what you said
What you thought this song meant
You thought this song meant
And if this is what it takes
Just to lie in my mistakes
And live with what I did to you
And all the hell I put you through
I always catch the clock it's 11:11
And now you want to talk
It's not hard to dream
You'll always be my Konstantine
They'll never hurt you like I do
No, They'll never hurt you like I do
No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No
This is to a girl who got into my head
With all these pretty things she did
Hey Baby, You know that you keep me up in bed
It's to a girl who got into my head
With all the fucked up things I did
Hey maybe baby, you could keep me up in bed
My Konstantine
Spin around me like a dream
We played out on this movie screen
And I said,
Did you know I miss you
Did you know I miss you
Did you know I miss you
Did you know I miss you
Did you know I miss you
Did you know I miss you
Did you know I miss you
God, I miss you
And then you bring me home
And we'll go to sleep but this time not alone, no no,
And you'll kiss me in your living room, oh
And you see, no, that I've been missing in my Living room
Cause this is what I miss, what I miss
We don't have much room
I said, does anybody need that room?
Because we all need a little more room
To love.