

Elämänkatsomus ja filosofia
Käyntejä: 2 324 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
53 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 10 (19 %)
Poikia: 43 (81 %)
25,6 vuotta
Otos: 46 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 25,5 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 25,6 vuotta
Zamurai, Joona___, kalpa^, nuulari, Bust_a_move

Jäsenet (53)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

wuhhhmm...<3Luonut: wuhhLauantai 14.08.2010 21:59

How can people be so heartless?
How can people be so cruel?
Easy to be hard
Easy to be cold
How can people have no feelings?
You know I’m hung up on you
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no
Especially people
Who care about strangers
Who care about evil
And social injustice
Do you only care about the bleeding crowd?
How about a needing friend?
I need a friend
How can people be so heartless
How can they ignore their friends?
Easy to give in
Easy to help out
Especially people
Who care about strangers
Who say they care about social injustice
Do you only care about the bleeding crowd?
How about a needing friend?
Ohhh, I need a friend
How can people have no feelings?
Oh, how can they ignore their friends?
Easy to be hard
Easy to help out
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no

haluun niiiiiiiin kirjottaa tähän pohjautuvan runon. Pitää kai lähtee hakee inspistä puistosta kuulokkeet päässä. :) ellei siellä sitte sada vieläki....
muutenki hairin laulujen pohjalta kirjottaa vähän hmmmmmmmm

sa--ra[Ei aihetta]Luonut: sa--raSunnuntai 20.09.2009 02:22

ompas outo olo:o

mertsBABTISM PARTY<3Luonut: mertsLauantai 12.09.2009 13:54

oli aivan mahtavaa!

tehtäviä oli esim.

-seduce a granny/granpa, extra points from getting a phone number
-get a stranger to buy you a fish and then slap you with it
-get a stranger put lipstick on you and then kiss him/her
-go take a photo with the Hansa lapset, with them smiling in the picture
-find a group of teenagers and give them sex education
-get a chunk of stangers hair, say you're going to use it into your new fur coat
-crawl from Kultaset to Alko
-STD's are coming a bigger problem nowadays, get a condom from a stranger to you and your partner
-follow a stranger by frog leaping until she/him notices you
-get a picky bag ride from a stranger
-trade a rock for a more valuable object until you're happy with the result


-make a line out of the clothes you are wearing (and of course if you had some extra with you, you could use it), longest line wins!


iliXXi[Ei aihetta]Luonut: iliXXiLauantai 25.04.2009 21:29

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