

Käyntejä: 2 179 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
19 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 18 (95 %)
Poikia: 1 (5 %)
23,1 vuotta
Otos: 9 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 23,1 vuotta

Jäsenet (19)

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zehioLuonut: zehiKeskiviikko 23.01.2013 20:31

"during his trainee days, seungri slept at the bus station 5 times because there was no bus available to take him home to gwangju and he had no money so he didnÂ’t have a place to sleep "

zehioLuonut: zehiTiistai 05.06.2012 19:25


zehioLuonut: zehiMaanantai 21.05.2012 22:59

In my world
In a place not visible
Needing air to live

In my world
always with a bright smile
Did people laugh at me?
So letÂ’s fly
Just you and I
DonÂ’t cry

No I donÂ’t cry
IÂ’m always by your side, singing you a song
Would you look at me now, standing here
Turning a blind eye to the day, IÂ’m born again
Come out

In my world
IÂ’ll hold and protect you

zehioLuonut: zehiPerjantai 11.05.2012 20:10

Day 10: A k-pop dance you’d like to learn
Day 11: Your favorite k-pop music video
omg I dunno. rakastan aika lailla kaikkii, en osaa valita.
kaikis o nii hienoi tyyppei laulaa/tanssii ja siis ok laitan vaihteeks seugrin biisin .

Day 12: The very first k-pop song you’ve ever heard
Day 13: A k-pop group you dislike and why
Day 14: A k-pop song that makes you smile
Day 15: A k-pop song that reminds you of someone you miss
Day 16: Your favorite k-pop lyric (and a translation)
Day 17: A k-pop idol you wish was your older sibling
Day 18: A k-pop idol you wish was your younger sibling
Day 19: Your favorite interview of a k-pop idol or group
Day 20: Your favorite picture of your guy k-pop bias
Day 21: Your favorite picture of your girl k-pop bias
Day 22: Your favorite picture of your favorite k-pop group
Day 23: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is underrated
Day 24: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is overrated
Day 25: Your favorite k-pop music video
Day 26: Your favorite cover of a k-pop song by another k-pop artist
Day 27: Your favorite dance battle
Day 28: Your favorite cover of an American song by a k-pop artist
Day 29: A k-pop song you never get tired of
Day 30: A k-pop idol that has amazing eye smiles

zehiLuonut: zehiKeskiviikko 25.04.2012 00:00


zehi•Luonut: zehiTiistai 24.04.2012 02:08


zehi•Luonut: zehiTiistai 24.04.2012 01:14

saatanan yesasia.
ei si tuu seungrin vvipt.

zehi•Luonut: zehiTiistai 03.04.2012 23:35


Panda pointing at your soul /sobs/

Harusakioh ah ohLuonut: HarusakiPerjantai 29.07.2011 20:18

muaaahhaahhaa kuolen B I G B A N G I S F U C K I N G V I P

se on ny vaan niin että BB:tä parempaa saa ettiä. Paras! GD my boy youre so gaygaygay. kaikki parhaita silti. cuuute <3 uusia biisejä taas haluan jo ;( Ja sori T.O.P ku eit mahtunu yhteisöihin XD

siänijumalaBIG BANG is BACK!Luonut: siänijumalaSunnuntai 27.02.2011 21:43

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