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crinusSteve - iLikeLuonut: crinusPerjantai 13.01.2012 18:02

Joululahjaksi saadusta Steve Jobs -kirjasta tuli luettua melkein saman tien noin 60 sivua. Pläräilin sen läpi nopeasti myös kuvien osalta. Kiinnostava tosiaankin, paljon sellaista mitä en ole tiennyt, vaikka aika tarkkaan tietokonemaailmaa on tullut seurattua aina 1980-luvun loppupuolelta saakka.

En uskalla väittää että olisin täysin objektiivisena pysynyt, mutta jotenkin kirjan saamisen jälkeen on myös alkanut kiinnostaa iMac käyttökoneena :)

Perjantai. 13. vieläpä

Ei kummempia holokannella. Kone toimii.

Pieni promo,

Viimeisin artikkeli, aattelin kirjoittaa paljon kyselevämpään tyyliin. Tietoturvasta tällä kertaa.

crinusLightareLuonut: crinusPerjantai 06.08.2010 20:35

Fully configurable open source module computer
pronounced 'lighter'

Koss and Paulig, best friends entangled.

Lightare is a system which enables you to do things,
your way. It takes inspiration from MIT Oxygen project,
a metal trash bin, and the path one takes when doing
walking trips to the cigarette smoking area.

Oxygen was an academic research program into ubicomputing.
Ubiquitous computing means that the technology is everywhere,
and sometimes it is also hidden. Things help us without
our knowledge of it. A simple thing as elevator has a lot
of computer software in it. The elevator's algorithm, its
way of reaching us, is one complex piece of engineering.

The metal trash bin is important. It provides us with
understanding what is meant by a service. The bin is
constructed to enable cigarette smokers extinquish
their smoke and put the butt into a safe and comfortable

But this kind of service means costs; platform,
screwing the bin into place, and periodic cleaning
of the surroundings. Even when we're talking as such a
mundane thing as a metal bin, erected for smokers, we can
see that things have certain commonalities.

A user, simple as that, is certainly valuable in every
usability testing. The testings should be done in a
way where the user doesn't actually know being part of
the test. People are considered much as mass, with parameters,
leaving traces of thoughts into the system:
* by voting
* doing
* leaving helpdesk calls
* praising or mocking

Full theoretic potential of system
- why do we have to use hundreds of sites and different computers to
get what we want?
- competing systems; ie. different social media
- rubik's cube problem: facets of system
- being digitized, understandable, and available everywhere
(ie. no paper PINs, no helpdesk issues with password memoizations,
etc. all kinds of little things can break total usability)

Every object; software, hardware or a mundane object
- inspires misuse
- has attention-grasping potential
- needs attending (usually)
- gets obsolete
- serves a (purported) purpose
- can be improved iteratively
- incites opinions about it

- cloud utilizing
- advanced 'meaning coercion pyramid'
- system development based on personalized crowdsourcing
- satisfaction scores
- silo diffusion
- benefits to organizations who adapt lightare

Avoid list
- reinstallation of operating system
- human issues like disgust of bacteria in touching public
- do not endorse lightare as computer
- meaning and names; too much to remember. No paths!
- people have difficulty with exact quantities and properties
Computers have been so far full of these => leads to degraded

- sandboxing, easy version:
add security, track, remove, undo, etc.
- media coverage
- practical examples
- difference to managed IT
- pluses compared to known systems
- the ai learning of lightare
- streaming of all data
- constant invisible updates
- stream handling, up and down
- does not care about network outage
- uses opportunistic means
- does no incur costs

-enable people with full cognitive capacity while traveling
-backup machine when your main is at maintenance
-virtualization uses
-miniaturizing pc into mobile; all PC functionality is intact

Software parametrization as function of features and
(x provides [a,b,c] for [d,e] if [i,j] and causes side effects

fragileness of text input
instantaneousness of computer, too fast
conversion problems
timeouts (make panic)
flooding effects
swap sessions in windows

Software system

- the 'needs discovery'
- semantics of language must be well-interpreted
- signal propagation: where the system is now, disregarding user state
- phase tracking of automation
- automation of MSI installations on Windows
- imaging (image from machine)
- smooth adaptation of different hardware profiles
- version catalogues
- profiles: collections of software items
- work flow adjustment according to heuristic of software selection
- usability improvements through real-world tests "Of what works"
- efficiency parameters
- modeling of program use as state diagrams
- profiling of use times and usability problems
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