

Televisio ja elokuvat
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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

MeoiMemorable quotes.Luonut: MeoiTiistai 18.05.2010 15:08

1. Valitse 5 lempielokuvaasi.
2. Mene Internet Movie Databaseen (, etsi valitsemasi elokuvat, klikkaa vasemmalta Memorable quotes ja valitse kustakin elokuvasta yksi repliikki tai vuoropuhelu.

Rotti: You've exceeded all my plans!
Luigi: More than you could say for Amber.
Rotti: More than I could say for you.
Luigi: What?
Pavi: Haha!
Rotti: Or your just as worthless brother.
Pavi: Awww...

Will Bloom: You know about icebergs, dad?
Ed Bloom: Do I? I saw an iceberg once. They were hauling it down to Texas for drinking water. They didn't count on there being an elephant frozen inside. The wooly kind. A mammoth.
Will Bloom: Dad!
Ed Bloom: What?
Will Bloom: I'm trying to make a metaphor here.
Ed Bloom: Well you shouldn't have started with a question, because most people want to answer questions. You should've started with "the thing about icebergs is:..."

Verona: WhatÂ’s up, corpse?
Chev: Bonjour, douchebag. I thought you might be interested in a little deal.
Verona: Are you a dealer? Is that what you are now?
Chev: Don't worry about what I am. Listen, I want the antidote.
Verona: Oh... Oh, the antidote?
Chev: That's right, the antidote.
Verona: What are you prepared to give me, asshole?
Chev: How about the jewelry I got off that faggot brother of yours, you fucking cocksucker?
Verona: Hmm.
Chev: Don't pop a blood vessel, you penis.

Rocco: Fuckin'- What the fuckin'. Fuck. Who the fuck fucked this fucking... How did you two fucking fucks... Fuck!
Connor: Well, that certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.

Tony Block: I'm gonna eat your brains and gain your knowledge.

PlagueRatOlen sanaton.Luonut: PlagueRatKeskiviikko 30.12.2009 01:15

Siis mitä vittua?! JUDE LAW REPONA?! Siis ois tyypit voinu keksiä jotain vähä omaperäsempää ku ottaa idean toisesta leffasta. Ja tost leffast puuttuu kaikki se mitä repos oli: laulut, tanssit ja PARIS HILTON.
Ja nyt toi on vaa tollanen paska.
Oih toi leffa oli ihana! Henkilöistä Graverobber ja Blind Mag oli ehdottomasti parhaat. Kannattaa kattoo toi leffa. Graveroberrrrr<3 Chromaggia Chase The Morning

Sarah Brightman:
Shilo...? Is your name Shilo?
Can I talk to you?
Can you come down please...
So we can speak?
I saw you at the show
I thought IÂ’d seen a ghost
Your resemblance is striking
You have your motherÂ’s eyes,
Her hair
I was told you died with her
All these years have come and gone
How do I put this...?
IÂ’m your Godmom.

Alexa Vega:
State your business...

Sarah Brightman:

Alexa Vega:
What do you want?

Sarah Brightman:
I want, I want to finally meet you
Something real to cling to
Leave you with the hope that
You will go do all youÂ’re meant to,
All IÂ’ve failed to
In you, is a world of promise
We have both been kept in bondage,
But you can learn from all my failures...

Alexa Vega:
IÂ’m not supposed to talk to strangers....

Sarah Brightman:
Or let them through the gate?

Alexa Vega:
That either.... a big risk...

Sarah Brightman:
A big fence....

Alexa Vega:
A mistake...

Sarah Brightman:
A new friend...

Nancy Long:
Chase the morning...
Yield for nothing...
Chase the morning...
Yield for nothing...

Alexa Vega:
HowÂ’d you do that?

Sarah Brightman:
Do what?

Alexa Vega:
Do that....
That, that eye thing...

Sarah Brightman:
These eyes can do more than see...

Alexa Vega:
I know--I mean, IÂ’ve seen you sing

Sarah Brightman:

Alexa Vega:
From my window
I can see the world from there
Name the stars and constellations
Count the cars and watch the seasons

Sarah Brightman:
I wish we couldÂ’ve watched together

Alexa Vega:
I canÂ’t have guests

Sarah Brightman:

Alexa Vega:
If Dad found out
That IÂ’d been let out,
Or youÂ’d been let in...

Sarah Brightman:
I should go then
Before I do, promise me you wonÂ’t--

Alexa Vega:
It’s better that you—

Forget me
‘best if I resume my life inside
My bedroom

Sarah Brightman:
DonÂ’t forget that
A sheltered rose needs a little
Room to bloom outside her bedroom

Nancy Long:
Chase the morning...
Yield for nothing...
Chase the morning...
Yield for nothing...

Sarah Brightman:
Let your life be your dream
ItÂ’s too late for me....
Don’t look back ‘til you’re free to
Chase the morningÂ…

Nancy Long:
Yield for nothing...
Chase the morning...
Yield for nothing...

Yield for nothing... Zydrate Anatomy
(Graverobber <3 Paris Hilton yäks xP)

I can't feel nothin' at all!

Drug market, sub market,
Sometimes I wonder why I ever got in
Blood market, love market,
Sometimes I wonder why they need me at all!
Zydrate comes in a little glass vial.

A little glass vial?

A little glass vial!

And the little glass vial goes into the gun like battery.
And the zydrate gun goes somewhere against your anatomy
And when the gun goes off, it sparks and you're ready for surgery.

Graverobber... Graverobber...
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.
Graverobber... Graverobber...
Sometimes I wonder why I need you at all!

And Amber Sweet is addicted to the knife

Addicted to the knife?

Addicted to the knife!

And addicted to the knife, she needs a little help with the agony.
And a little help comes in a little glass vial in a gun pressed against her anatomy
And when the gun goes off, Miss Sweet is ready for surgery

Graverobber... Graverobber...
Sometimes I wonder why I need you at all...

It's clean, it's clear, it's pure (It's what?), it's rare...

It takes you there (It what?) It takes you there!
Before the cut

Why agonize? Anethetize

I can't feel nothin' at all..

'Cos surgery is what you need (what I need), to change inside

To feel alive.

[Graverobber whistles.

Hey, that's a Blind Mag song!

Amber snaps to attention

Who did that?

Graverobber points at Shilo and backs away

So you think you got heart?
So you think you got balls?
So you think Mag can sing?

I don't think nothin' at all...

So you think MAG has pipes?
Well it's my turn to shine
When the Repo man strieks!

What are you talkin' about?

Amber shoves a news article into Shilo's hands]

Mag's contract's got some mighty fine print

Some mighty fine print?

Some mighty fine print...

And that mighty fine print puts Mag in a mighty fine predicament
If Mag up and splits, her eyes are forfeit, and if GeneCo and Rotti so will it,
Then a repo man will come and she'll pay for that surgery. Surgery...
Surgery... Surgery... (cont., with Junkies)

I can't feel nothin' at all! Aching Hour

Pieni innostus :)
Katoin viimeinki eilisiltana Repon (ja Sweeney Toddin heti perään 8D) ja ei helvetti että mun on pakko ostaa se dvd. Se on niin mahtava! Ihana! Kieroutunu! Sairas! Inspiroiva! Ja ne puvut! <3 Graverobber on varmaanki mun lempihahmo. ^^


Behold my greatest.... face
Ei ketään kiinnostas tehä mun kanssa lavaversioo Reposta XD Ei tässä muuta mutta mie tahdon Shiloksi pitkän pohdinnan jälkeen (toisaalta olisin halunnut olla kyllä Blind Mag muttei ihan ehkä ääni riitä sinne tasoon). Oikeasti mua kiehtoisi tästä lavaversio. Pitäisi vaan hankkia kaikista biiseistä instrut ja kirjottaa kässäri.

Hehe, tarvis enää ohjaajan, loput näyttelijät, lavastajan, ääni/valomiehet, puvustajan, maskeerajan (tarvittaessa tosin voin minäkin) ja sen itse tilan ja yleisön x]

Tosin tän tekis kyllä mielellään enkuks, suomekskin onnaa mut biisit ei vaan kuulosta niin hyviltä ja on erityhmää jos muut on suomeks mut laulut enkuks - been there, done that. Mut oikeasti, haluisin tässä kohtaa kyllä Shiloksi vaikka Blind Mag ois ehkä unelma vaatteineen ja piilareineen. Mut silti. Onkohan ees muita halukkaita näytelmäversion toteuttajia ihan sillaan harrastajaporukalla. Tie mitä siitäki tulis, voispis tulla hyvä :D Vaikka mulla onkin semmonen mielikuva että Nathaniks ja Rotiks haluan ehottomasti aikuiset miehet :D

Tiettyhän siis rahotushommat ois aika kova sana koska lavasteet ja puvut varmaan ottas vähän rahaa. Tosin vaatteita löytyy kyllä suurimmalle osalle varmaan omastakin kaapista - aina voi soveltaa. Magille tosin puku ja Repo Manin asu... plus tietty just lavasteet. Paljon tekoverta XD LOL. Tai sit ei, emt....
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »