

Koulu ja opiskelu
Käyntejä: 2 049
9 jäsentä
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Jäsenet (9)

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jjonnaaareps:DLuonut: jjonnaaaTiistai 18.08.2009 00:14

J: Novoi vittu,nyt tää päästi nesteensä mu kätee ku puristin sitä liia kovaa :(:(
A: Jonnaaa tajuuksää mitä sää puhut? :D:D

nose oli joku random-marja ;oo

A:No we see homorrow..eiku tomohorrow !
J: öö. tomorrow?? :D

ssannn|FT. SAARA!! :DLuonut: ssannn|Lauantai 08.08.2009 01:19

Jotkut randomit kysy tietä johonki hostelliin ja minä vastasin viisaana : "You just keep moving that way and then you see red.. *käsiliike* ..building." Joo muutenki kaikkee ihanaa noloo tapahtunu:DD

aalliikielimuuriLuonut: aalliiTiistai 21.04.2009 20:37

R: mikä tehtävä meille tuli?

A: ii

R: nii mikä tehtävä?


R: puhu suomee

A: vittu TÄÄ ON suomea!

-läppä[Ei aihetta]Luonut: -läppäSunnuntai 12.04.2009 06:39

Stranger: Hi!
You: hello!
You: do you ever think suicide?
You: Im.
Stranger: Nah, not seriously anyway
Stranger: Like everyone thinks about it a little I'm sure
You: aa. you're maybe right
Stranger: What's got you all upset then?
You: i got bad past.
You: i don't have good relationship with my mom.
Stranger: You'll have no future if you kill yourself bro
Stranger: And you could always have a good one
Stranger: Don't worry about your mom
Stranger: There's plenty of people out there that'll be nice to you if you treat them right, for real
You: yes i know but.. my father is also sick.. he could die soon:/
Stranger: That sucks, I'm sorry to hear
Stranger: What would he think if he knew you wanted to kill yourself though
Stranger: Make him proud and live a good life
Stranger: Do good things and feel right, and do bad things and learn from your mistakes
Stranger: Think about it, things may be the worst they possibly could be but everything always changes, even if it's going from good to bad, or bad to good.
You: but i have decided that im alive my whole life. Actually suicide it's not conclusion to my problems.
Stranger: Nope
Stranger: Everyone has problems man
Stranger: Feeling bad is living
Stranger: I know it sounds stupid, but it's good to feel upset and anxious sometimes
Stranger: It makes your life richer when you look back
Stranger: Where are you from dude?
You: yes they has. i try understand. im not happy for a long time. but maybe now it's a time enjoy life.
You: im from finland. u?
Stranger: Ireland
Stranger: You never wanted to kill yourself did you?
You: maybe. maybe im not. im not sure. maybe im not seriously. but im thought.
Stranger: What age are you?
You: im seventeen. i have a long life known.
Stranger: You've a lot of living to do man
Stranger: Make the most of it
Stranger: Bye bye!

-ELLU[Ei aihetta]Luonut: -ELLUKeskiviikko 25.03.2009 21:22

Idefiniittipronomineja ja kaikkee muuta (vähintään) yhtä ihanaa </3

ootzitekemisen puuteLuonut: ootziTiistai 30.12.2008 16:59

Eilen yöllä luin 14sivullisen tarinan joka oli enkuks :D
voin sanoo etten ymmärtäny mitään!
mut ei ollu muutakaan tekemistä

ilpo-educationLuonut: ilpo-Perjantai 19.09.2008 16:27

aina ku on kova paikka unohtuu tutut sanat
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