

Käyntejä: 1 980
22 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 21 (96 %)
Poikia: 1 (4 %)
21,3 vuotta
Otos: 13 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 20,5 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 30,7 vuotta

Jäsenet (22)

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sussuuw`♥___♥Luonut: sussuuw`Tiistai 28.02.2012 19:58

KapybaraLatteeehLuonut: KapybaraTorstai 23.09.2010 15:09

Jää latte ei jätä rauhaan... Vielä huonommin kun kuulin Peterin&muiden kuroryhmäcossista... <33 u_____u
Akaka, Kuroka. Atashi, Anata <3

"Yes, my lord!"

Teriotus[Ei aihetta]Luonut: TeriotusKeskiviikko 21.07.2010 23:20

Team Sebastian : }
Claude alas.

KapybaraWRONG!Luonut: KapybaraPerjantai 02.07.2010 07:16


Pettymys oli pajhempi kuin mitä osasi odottaa... haha
Cielin olisi silloin huume-epäilyjen aikana pitänyt kutsua Sebastiania vasta sen jälkeen, kun joku olisi ystävällisesti jaksanut piirtää ja näyttää meille, kuinka se kiduttaja käyttää sitä hehkuvaa metallitankoa Sebastianiin... >8D hah

Ja se loppu... Paskat. Huonompi kuin osasin odottaa. hmph
Koko anime... Ei, ei... Väärin. Hah. Haha. hahaha... hahahaha

Sebby kävisi melkein anorektikosta.(Tosin sen huomaa magassakin...)

Mutta, ei hitto... Oliko animella ja mangalla sama käsikirjoittaja? On tai ei, saa tuo manga edetä järkevämmin, kun on kerran tähän mennessä ollut niin paljon järkevämpi. hahaha

Meinasi unohtua rakkaat ihmiseni... Liittyy Säkkiin suuresti, liittyy.

KapybaraSyntinen!!!!Luonut: KapybaraLauantai 26.06.2010 13:46

Ää... Rankaiskaa minua, syntistä pakanaa... Tai älkää...

Kuitenki, asia oli, että erään yhden henkilön pikku ficki (includes Sebastian... Tarkemmat tiedot saa udella jos oikeasti jaksaa kiinnostaa...) sai aikaan sen, että nyt mä sitten olen jatkanut Kuroshitsujin lukemista 7 luvulla... Hah... Syntistä.... Ja sen fickin takia mä katson koko sarjaa ihan erilailla. Hah. Vääryys on tuo.
Alussa kaikki oli hyvin:

No turning back:

Sitten jäin koukkuun näihin älyvapaisiin videoihin xD
Ciel Phantomhive
[x] - You have experienced quite a bit of sadness in your childhood.
[ ] - You are allergic to cats.
[x] - You tend to get very angry when insulted.
[ ] - You are technically a child, but act older than you are.
[x] - You usually seem placid to others, and may come off a bit snobby or rude.
[ ] - You enjoy elegance.
[ ] - Many people are around you to protect you.
[ ] - You tend to hang around in the shadows more than others, and do your deeds- be they good or bad- from there.
[x] - You have a lot of hatred for others. You might want revenge, too.
[x] - You love someone greatly, and want to protect them.

Sebastian Michaelis
[/] - You love cats. Dogs are disgusting.
[x] - You are exceptionally loyal to your friends—or, maybe more so one person than many.
[ ] - You could be described as tall, dark, and handsome.
[x] - You're a bit of a loner in a way; the affairs of humans don't necessarily interest you.
[ ] - You aren't interested in love or sexuality.
[ ] - People of both sexes tend to flock around you romantically. You just cant get a break, can you?
[x] - You never lie to that(those) special person(people).
[/] - Failure is not an option in your mind.
[/] - You like things perfect and elegant. No one seems to do it like in the good old days.
[x] - You can put up an excellent façade and hide what you truly are, and your thoughts and emotions. You are one hell of a butler, after all.

Grell Sutcliff
[ ] - Your favorite color is red.
[x] - You tend to be incredibly flamboyant, cheery, and insane.
[x] - You aren't really bothered by blood or death. In fact, you might just laugh. You're probably the cause of it, anyways.
[x] - Whether you're heterosexual with homosexual tendencies, or homosexual with heterosexual tendencies, no one can really tell.
[/] - You like fashion, poetry, and mainstream cute things.
[ ] - You like someone, but they don't feel the same way, for some reason or another. But that doesn't get you down! Â…Often.
[x] - You're a hopeless romantic!~
[ ] - You're happy with who you are, and won't change, no matter what anyone says.
[ ] - There's nothing shameful in cross dressing, as long as you look good!
[ ] - There's nothing you won't do for a kiss from your one true loveÂ… with tongue. <3

[/] - You love dogs so much, you practically are one!
[ ] - You aren't embarrassed about being naked in front of others, but you do look good in a nice suit!
[ ] - You're attracted to someone, or multiple someones.
[ ] - You're usually a really great people person, all around.
[ ] - You're kind of oblivious.
[/] - You have a really big secret, but it doesn't weigh you down.
[ ] - You tend to be the fanservice in your group.
[x] - You are insane, to sum it up.
[ ] - You tend to bark for no reason.
[x] - You'd love to breathe fire, or you can already.

Elizabeth Middleford
[ ] – You love someone a lot, and are sure they love you back, but you feel hurt because they don't always show it.
[ ] – You like making everything cute, from your clothes to your mansion!
[x] – You'd do anything to make the person you love happy.
[x] – You tend to worry a lot about people you care about.
[ ] – You are almost always upbeat, cheery, happy, hyper, and loving.
[ ] – You're determined to make him smile.
[ ] – You like sweet things and cute things.
[ ] – You're good at your studies.
[x] – You love parties.
[/] – You tend to be the innocent, childish, oblivious one.

Drocell Kains
[ ] – You tend to be used by others, and walked all over.
[ ] – You don't seem to mind being used.
[ ] – You conform to your crowd, possibly to gain popularity or status.
[ ] – You often could be characterized as the puppet.
[ ] – You like dolls.
[ ] – You like music boxes.
[x] – You hide your emotions, feelings, and desires for reasons unknown.
[ ] – For some unknown reason, you're very loyal to a specific person, as if they created you.
[x] – People can describe you as distant and disconnected, even anti social.
[x] – You don't make friends easily.

[ ] – You don't like unclean things.
[x] – You have a bit of a split personality.
[ ] – You sometimes lie and manipulate in order to get your way.
[ ] – You're "transsexual".
[ ] – You could be described as a bitch sometimes.
[ ] – People have no reason to trust you.
[ ] – You have a goal, and won't stop until you succeed.
[ ] – People are disposable to you.
[ ] – You can be angelic.
[ ] – People tend to follow you; you have charisma.

Prince Soma
[/] – You are selfish/childish often, but are really working to improve yourself.
[ ] – You can be self-centered or spoiled.
[ ] – You love someone, but they will never love you back.
[x] – You have one good friend, and you trust them with all you've got.
[ ] – You love curry, any kind will do.
[ ] – You tend to be flamboyant and peppy, and a bit of a princely character.
[ ] – You can be very religious.
[x] – When it comes to someone important to you, you'll stop at nothing to help them.
[ ] – You have great style and flair.
[ ] – You're good with making people follow you.

MUSTATIIKERISebastian & CielLuonut: MUSTATIIKERIKeskiviikko 23.12.2009 22:48

ää, ciel ja sebastian ~ <3 toi biisi sopii jotenki tuohon.
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