

Käyntejä: 971
2 jäsentä
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24,4 vuotta
Otos: 2 jäsentä
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Poikien keski-ikä: 24,6 vuotta

Jäsenet (2)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
You can stab my heart a million
times I'll still lick up the blood
and smile

i don't want a
perfect relationship.
i just want someone
who i can act silly with,
someone who treats me
right and loves being with me.
kukaan ei löydä,
pimeyteen meidät

RAUKKAjouLuonut: RAUKKALauantai 12.06.2010 15:45

This feeling never leaves you alone
You pull the trigger on your own
You're hiding in your safe place
Hiding with your eyes shut tightly

on the way to the hospital.

Now will you ever rest your head?
You end up feeling mostly dead,
Pretending you're the last one,
Hiding with your eyes shut tightly,
all the way to the hospital.

Before I cross my heart and hope to die at all
Take off my mask and leave the lies to the liars

It never used to hurt before it isn't funny anymore
Feeling so alone now,

Funny how you wish some way that you could die at the hospital

You're quiet on the car ride home,
You're waiting for your head to explode
You're hiding in your safe place
Hiding with your eyes shut tightly

all the way to the hospital

Oh, oh, I don't feel okay,
I don't feel alright!
Ah Haha...
Help me god!
I don't know!
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »