

Käyntejä: 2 164
12 jäsentä
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19,0 vuotta
Otos: 9 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 19,1 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 18,7 vuotta

Jäsenet (12)

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KayinAVTechNOLuonut: KayinLauantai 27.04.2013 23:55

The new awesomness (for me anyway...):
Video kuvataan Kouvolassa 11-12.8
Mielellään n. 160 cm tai alle (en muista nyt Lenin virallista pituutta) mutta pidempikin ihminen kelpaa jos ketään muuta ei saada.

Nämä versiot olisi tarkoitus tehdä:
Mutta Lenillä voi olla vaihtoehtoisesti myös keltainen huppari.

SparkleRinSenbon Sakura ~Luonut: SparkleRinPerjantai 25.11.2011 23:35

ASDH haluun joskus kyl cossia tota Rinin versiota *q* toi on niin sulonen ja ja ja >w< <3

UNLOCKKuka voi olla~?Luonut: UNLOCKSunnuntai 16.01.2011 21:38

Kuka haluu tulla mun Len Kagamineksi Servant of evilestä Desuconiin?
Mä teen Rin cossin ja tartteen Lenin. D:

nakatsu[Ei aihetta]Luonut: nakatsuSunnuntai 11.07.2010 19:17

ARI-GA-TO... (For) giving me birth to this world
ARI-GA-TO... (For) Days we went through together
ARI-GA-TO... (For) Everything you gave me
ARI-GA-TO... I will sing (on) forever
appappaa tää on ihana ~

LapiniRakastuin <3Luonut: LapiniPerjantai 18.09.2009 17:03

Deeper, deeper, you come into the forest, pulled by a voice so sweet
Come on, come on, you want to go even deeper to meet
Quickly, quickly, come as fast as your little legs can run into the dark
Come on, come on, it'll be so fun, let's play a game, on your mark!

This cinnamon stick is a wonderfulmagic stick
Imagine that you're drowning in the sweetest syrups
Dreams relieve of you of problems and sorrows that make you weep
Because they are heaven-made, have one and fall asleep
But they are only good if you are surrounded by hallucinations
When you take the blindfold off, there's no more pleasant creations
You will see that your hands are tied and bound, dragging at my heels
You've already given up, don't take it back, it's a deal


Sometimes we see the shine of doubt flickering on the double edged knife
A faultless love does not exist, there's no perfect feeling in this life
Through a hole in the blindfold, there was something I thought I'd never see
Lantern shadows that grew at night unconciously frightened me
My, my, you bad kid, how dare you wake so early
If your blindfold comes off, then should I blind you instead?
Hey look, you're laughing, now isn't that the cutest sight?
But you still wear lies, so let's get back to our play tonight

"Hey..." "Give me that..?.." *giggle*

Why are you trembling in front of me like a scared little mouse?
Milk is what you want because it made you well at your own house?
This is my domain, my place where it's just as warm as any place
I'll just toll what's in your pocket, now you should not lose any face
Give me that, quickly, quickly, just give it here right now
Don't ask why or when or where, you don't even need to know how
Eat these sweets, they tempt you into believing false hospitality
Give me that, quickly, just give it here right now to me

MistressTrick & TreatLuonut: MistressMaanantai 07.09.2009 19:32

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