

Elämänkatsomus ja filosofia
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24,9 vuotta
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Osuin tekstiin joka kolahti todella kovaa, joka on ilmeisen kovaa kolahtanut muihinkin, ja jonka uskoisin erittäin käytännölliseksi luettavaksi sekä sulle että ystävillesikin.

Tiivistetysti, kyseessä käyttöohje kommunikaatioon jolla kaikki voittavat.

Teksti käsittelee meemejä, ideoita, tunteita ja kokemuksia, evoluutiota ja konfliktia. Tuntu aluksi vaikeasti lähestyttävältä, mutta kun annoin sen upota sisään, ni vau.

Poimin tekstistä muutamia olennaisen tuntuisia kohtia jotta inspiroituisitte lukemaan.

Simply, ideas, memes, media and words replicate. Exponentially.

Civilization naturally advances when the arts and sciences advance. Arts and science, human civilization advances when opposing ideas synthesize into higher complexity.

All ideas i.e. all information is in a natural state of conflict and war. All ideas conflict, yet Human Beings are not ideas, Human Beings are NOT in conflict, ideas are. Human beings are only in conflict when human beings confuse themselves as an idea or think that they are the meme that they are spreading.

From the perspective of a branch of mathematics known as Game Theory, this process of conflicting ideas and non conflicting humans could also be referred to as a 'Non Zero Sum' Game. Both sides in the game contribute for mutual shared output, like the WIKIPEDIA article.

KING IDEAS are META ideas that we believe to be TRUE that OPERATE, rule, and ORGANIZE our individual and collective PARADIGMS. A paradigm can be understood as a collection, or 'kingdom', of ideas, memes, and words that all support our individual and collective WORLDVIEW and our role in that world.

When we lose a false idea or a false king that we have, we only have lost by winning a new idea or King that will serve us better by operating and updating our old paradigm/memetic kingdom with a more effective truth.

Our ideas fight and battle so we can learn and increase our intelligence as a species in perfect synthesis/synergy.

In the 21st Century, human being has the opportunity to create a win win environment to resolve global problems and create global wealth for ALL citizens.


Feelings are the inspiration and the energy for the mind to use to solve problems and create opportunity. The Natural Functioning Synergy of Human Being.

Feelings are unpredictable and utter chaos to the mind. They cannot be understood by the mind. They are not for the mind to understand.

Feelings are for energizing/inspiring the mind.

When both sides of human perception, thinking and feeling, contribute in perfect synergy. All sides win. Internally and Externally.

OS 0 1 2 is presented as a poetic game and mathematical puzzle to introduce you to ternary dialectics and the concept of 'all sides win' conflict resolution and problem solving.

©OS 012 signifies perfect synergy and synchronicity.

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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »