tulin lenkiltä ~Jotenki vapauttava olo tosta siivoomisesta jne ! Latailen justiinsa kuvia ja kattelen onko julkaisukelpoisia, rakastan noita pidennyksiä kyllä ! Otan varmaan jasmininki lisäkkeet thaikkulaan mukaan, ku noi värit menee sillon paljon kivemmin ni ei oo niin hirveä väri ero. :'D
tuntuu hassulta, enään tasan viikko ja samaan aikaan istun lentokoneessa matkalla thaikkulaan. ~♥
! tänään stadiin maybe ~, toivottavasti nään ihmisiä sillä ku en nää sitten kuukauteen ainakaa ketää. : < !~♥
lauantaina - otsatukanmuokkausta äitinkaveri leikkaa, ja sitten jumboon ostamaan matkailukengät tai jotain en tiiä ~ :__D
JASMIN "Jasmin is one of the worlds prettiest girls. She makes people laugh so much, & she even makes people cry.. OF LAUGHTER. :) She knows how to cheer some one up, & knows how to fix a situation. No one can mess with this chick, she;s like a ninjaaaa :)" JASMIN "Sexual and sensual, beautiful woman with an exotic touch." JASMIN "The most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She will change your life completely. She makes boys fall in love with her in an instant, but doesn't try to. She's the kindest and a great talker. If you ever meet a Jasmin, be prepared to fall in love." JASMIN "someone who thinks she is better then other people. wants to date really older people when she is under age. maybe 3 or 4 at a time. thinks its cool to have an 17 yr. old boyfriend when shes only 12. basicly a hoe sorta . doesnt like to fight even if someone hits her or take her things . only fights family members that she can beat. but that will never happen.fake and phony.I dont know about all jasmin but i know bout mine"