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JA_NIDark Side Of MeLuonut: JA_NITiistai 30.06.2009 21:06

When darkness surrounds me,
I could let my shadows free,
But something inside me enjoys this.
There is gonna be eternal night,
But do also have to have eternal fight,
The dark sun lies above us.

This dark side of me,
won't let me get free,
I don't know how this is gonna end,
Because even God can't help

This thing inside me, is resisting me,
I try to reach light, but still I think is there anything left
I cannot hide, I think my family has died,
But I won't lose my hope.

This dark side of me,
won't let me get free,
I don't know how this is going to end,
Because even God can't help.


Kerto2x (tai vaan kerran)

JA_NIThe defect is me.Luonut: JA_NILauantai 27.06.2009 22:23

I notice how you solve your thoughts, wondering have you done something wrong.
But don't worry because tonight i can tell you that you haven't done nothing!
All those moments when we cry...
All those moments when we fall...
It's because of me!

''There is a defect, me, not you! It's not because of other people, not even God.
All your anger is there because of me!''2x All what you have to do is forgive me.

Even if you gonna forgive me, I feel quilty for everything I've done. I can't give you nothing, I can answer nothing. Allthough I try to do my best.

''There is a defect and it is me, not you! It's not because of other people, not even God.
All your anger is there because of me!''2x All what you have to do is forgive me.
''There is a defect and it is me, not you! It's not because of other people, not even God.
All your anger is there because of me!''2x All what you have to do is forgive me.

The defect is me!
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