

Käyntejä: 691
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Petrassd- i like to dance now !Luonut: PetrassdTiistai 01.05.2012 00:20

Mahtavin vappu mitä on pitkää aikaa ollu.
Kiitos ! ♥
Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn
Let it die
Cause we are finally free tonight

Tonight will change our lives
It's so good to be by your side
But we'll cry

We won't give up the fight
We'll scream loud at the top of our lungs
And they'll think it's just cause we're young
And we'll feel so alive

TrixieKit20 days!Didididiii!Luonut: TrixieKitSunnuntai 26.07.2009 17:25

I'm already freaking out .I just can't believe that my dream will come true and I'll be in London three weeks from now!

Hyvä sit yrittää pärjää tällä mun kökkö englannilla siellä :D
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