

Käyntejä: 916
2 jäsentä
Poikia: 2 (100 %)
18,2 vuotta
Otos: 1 jäsen
Poikien keski-ikä: 18,2 vuotta

Jäsenet (2)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

Metal revolution!
Possessed we fight hand in hand
Sardonic aversions
Only in union we stand
Depressive perspective
Gives us a place to retreat
Never divided
No discussions stay to the roots

Real cultured, out of plastic
Can't share their philosophies
Sarcasm and passion
We have our own forces
Dictators predators
Won't rule our black hearts
Bestial invasion
Explodes in our evil souls

They can't break our will
We have the pleasure to kill
We are bonded by blood
Again they will rot

Thrash 'til death
Thrash 'til death
Immortal soul takes control - Immortal soul
Thrash 'til death
Immortal soul takes control - Immortal soul
Thrash 'til death

Discover our history
This rebellion ain't a fuckin' trend
Stillborn music
Swallow our self-defence
Metal revolution
Possessed we fight hand in hand
Eternal conviction
Only in union we stand

They can't break our will
We have the pleasure to kill
We are bonded by blood
Again they will rot

Thrash 'til death
Thrash 'til death
Immortal soul takes control - Immortal soul
Thrash 'til death
Immortal soul takes control - Immortal soul
Thrash 'til death

They can't break our will
We have the pleasure to kill
We are bonded by blood
Again they will rot

Thrash 'til death
Thrash 'til death
Immortal soul takes control - Immortal soul
Thrash 'til death
Immortal soul takes control - Immortal soul
Thrash 'til death

Thrash 'til death!
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »