

Käyntejä: 3 325
64 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 23 (36 %)
Poikia: 41 (64 %)
34,3 vuotta
Otos: 48 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 33,3 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 34,8 vuotta
vvii-, `topi, zezima, Nekki

Jäsenet (64)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
I'm Morpheus please dance with me,
as always you can take the lead and
Guide me through the waltz of life,
sailing through the seas of night
I'm Morpheus please caress me,
hold my heart too weak to beat

I've shifted shape so many times
I've forgotten which one's mine
So sick and tired of being sick and tired

Qha-Coffee OfferingLuonut: Qha-Torstai 15.04.2010 23:25

I did not hear the warning,
I did not see the signs.
You're the master of illusion,
You're the devil in disguise.

Temptress in lace and leather,
You make me loose control.
One sinful night,
And I just lost my heart and lost my soul.

I was the one to hold you,
But not the only one.
I hear you say you're sorry,
But some things can not be undone!

I tried so hard to forget,
Tried so hard to fuck it.
I tried to understand,
But it's too late to make amends.

Don't come here asking for forgiveness,
For the things you've done.
Don't point your finger at me,
Because you are the fallen one.

Thorn in my side.
Forever hurting me.
You're for my first,
Stay for the night.

Please stay here,
Close to me.
I'll play the clown,
Just strike me down,

Still searching for my pieces,
So still out of control.
One piece is always missing,
And I don't know how to fill that hole.

Still I don't know the answer,
Or what the question is.
Don't know how weak I feel,
But I don't want it to end like this.


Please stay here,
Close to me.
I'll play the clown,
Just strike me down,


Still I want to touch you,
Still I long to hold you,
Still I need you to be here,
Right here by my side.

And still I cannot have you,
Still you are too wild and free.
And still I cannot accept,
That you are not meant for me.


Please stay here, close to me.

Still I want to touch you,
Still I long to hold you,
Still I need you to be here,
Right here by my side.

Still I want to touch you,
Still I long to hold you,
Still I need you to be here,
Right here by my side.
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »