

Minä ja muut
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PSYCHOJESSEWelcome to hellLuonut: PSYCHOJESSESunnuntai 12.06.2011 08:51

I'm sorry for the nights I let you down
Now all that's left to see is that I turned around
Back to the boy you fell in love with
Not this plague that brings you down
Remind your mom to call me I still care
Cause her approval meant the world
And I will not dare to disagree
With the life you arrange
Just remember only god knows if I change
I'll sing along to every song
I type a lie for the ride
Cause in my head,
I'm right there tonight,
Through the good times
The bad ones too
I'm here for you
Cause it might change
You're the one who keeps me asleep
On the nights where I can care less
If I ever woke up again

And it's quite alright.
And goodbye for now.
Just look up to the stars,
and believe who you are,
'cause it's quite alright.
And so long, goodbye.

`kinuskiivitun jebaaa!!!Luonut: `kinuskiiTiistai 03.08.2010 23:24

Se ois sit muutto lappeenrantaaa viimeistäää 16 päivä.. :D
Kyllä vittu niiku maistuuu!! <3
Ei tuu ikävä kotii eikä kyllä pahemmi taavettiakaa!!
Joitan ihmisia tietty mut kyl niitä näkee viel..<3

a````109.Luonut: a````Maanantai 28.09.2009 02:01

onneks raksuli lähti
sori se oli ruma :(
ja niin neiti
.. ja itseGäs
ja niiiiiin neiti
näyttiki tytöltä
eimulla muuta
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